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Andrej Grubacic <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 01:52:02 +0100
text/plain (79 lines)
Yes, that was exactly what I have asked for. My english is imperfect, of
course, but  think that I'have been clear in my message, or kind request ,
that lumping "Serbs" into one category, demonized and labeled as
"genocidal", is something that is in sociology text books described as
RACISM; I asked that certain person(s) seize using insulting  references
 racist ones) , without any intention to supress anyone's right to speak.
 Tracy and Iss-bla-bla what his name, have understood this quite well. So,
please, leave Balkans and Balkan people the fuck alone! Direct your imperial
arrogance on some other list, more in accord with your political beliefs.
White Storm Front, for instance.

"Nothing is more dangerous for man's private morality than the
habit of command. The best man, the most intelligent,
disinterested, generous, pure, will infallibly & always be
spoiled at this trade. Two sentiments inherent in power never
fail to produce this demoralization; they are: contempt for the
masses & the overestimation of one's own merits."

----- Original Message -----
From: frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [CHOMSKY] FW: United States/Kosovo

> What we have here is a failure to the accusations back
> and forth on racism and suppression of freedom...take a deep breath,
> kids!
> Andre speaks very clearly, though he is obviously using a language that
> is at least his second. he doesn't seem - to this less than humble
> observer - to be  for suppressing anyone's right to speak, but rather
> speaks against  the use of insulting terms and references to a specific
> people who are fair game for bigots who never think of themselves as
> bigots...
> lumping "serbs" together as vicious, murdering, genocidal types is even
> dumber than lumping germans into that category...ease up, please...this
> is america, and we take a back seat to no
> people...when it comes to going about our business ( shopping, driving,
> working, eating, etc) while "we" bomb, shoot, kill, maim , etc, via our
> geopolitical and separate entities called government, military and so
> forth and so on...
> at least the bloody bastards who killed and are being killed (yet!
> still!) in kosovo have a passionate involvement in their bloody
> deeds...before we indulge ourselves in superior, snooty and really
> aggravating crap - labeling others from our high position as
> shoppers-while-others-slaughter-for-us enlightened types - we might
> consider the facts, the death tolls and face reality.
> the "serbs" are no better or worse than the "kosovo albanians", but both
> might...just morally superior to a group that does nothing
> but argue , debate and name call, while others use its tax dollars to
> kill...who dat?????
> Life becomes cheaper, much cheaper, when an entire people are invisible
> (Iraq) or demonized (Serbs)...and by the way, I also think the stuff
> about the right-winger in austria is none of our damned business...if
> they voted for the shmuck ( if he is a shmuck), it is their
> problem...all this allegedly high toned protest against him comes from
> some very low-class apologists for mass murder and rape, as long as that
> murder and rape is conducted under liberal, corporate capital rules of
> "civility"....screw them, too...
> and if we don't create a reasonable, respectful voice for radical
> politics, we will face greater right wing expression here in the
> USA...when the left-liberal-progressive wing indulges in the kind of
> stuff that we do here, it is no wonder that "masses", that legendary
> entity spoken of in the abstract but rarely dealt with except with
> disrespect, will move to the right...check history, but don't deny it,
> please...
> fs