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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 07:58:58 -0500
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For immediate release:


To: News Dept., Westchester Desk

From: Don DeBar (914) 649-6597

Dated: 2/4/00

Today's items:

1.) Radio Shack Action Today

2.) Rally Tomorrow at 2PM at Ossining High School to Feature Speakers from
5 Local Communities Facing Cell Tower Fights

3.) Was Yesterday's Call for FCC, FTC and SEC to Block Sprint-MCI Merger
Heard by Congresswoman Sue Kelly?
1.) Radio Shack Action Today:

At noon today, the following letter will be delivered to a selection of
Radio Shack stores in Westchester County:

Dear Store Manager:

Radio Shack sells Sprint PCS products. Residents of the Ossining Union Free
School District currently face the prospect of having a cell tower imposed
upon their only high school. Regardless of what Sprint or other cell
providers may claim, the fact is that the medical science is out on whether
or not cell phones and cell towers are safe, and some studies indicate
possible dangers, including brain cancer, leukemia, impaired memory
function and learning ability.

Although Sprint has suffered a great deal of negative publicity in the
metropolitan area and beyond over this, Sprint refuses to budge, ignoring
the hundreds of Ossining residents have attended several rallies about the
issue to demonstrate their opposition to this planned bombardment of our
adolescents with microwave radiation for the next 20 years. They continue
to say that they fully intend to build this thing soon.

Sprint products are prominently featured in Radio Shack stores. As we
continue and accelerate the roll-out of our public relations campaign in
New York State and nationally, Radio Shack customers that are opposed to
Sprint's behavior in Ossining and elsewhere may begin to experience some
cognitive dissonance over the public association of their favorite store
with such practices.

We hope, instead, that you will contact the regional Radio Shack offices
and ask that they call Sprint immediately to inquire about Sprint's
intentions in Ossining and elsewhere.

Thank you.

2.) Rally Tomorrow at OHS to Feature Speakers from Other Municipalities in
Area Facing Cell Tower Fights:

This week's "No Cell Tower" rally will feature speakers from Irvington,
Yorktown, Peekskill, Pleasantville and Spring Valley. Each of these
communities are currently embroiled in their own cell tower fights.

In Irvington, a fifth cell tower is proposed for Abbott House, which houses
adolescents. In Yorktown, one proposal would place a tower near the local
Mercy College campus, while another, by Sprint, would bring a cell tower to
the Jefferson Valley area. The others face similar proposals that would
expose large numbers of people to the nearby tower's microwave emissions.

The rally last week was attended by over 200 local residents, who braved
temps in the 20's and a foot of snow cover on the ground to demonstrate
their opposition to the Sprint plan. It is hoped that the widening
publicity roll-out by cell tower opponents over the past week, along with
more favorable weather conditions, will double or triple that figure

The rally is set for 2PM, Sat., 2/5/00, in front of Ossining High School,
Rte.9, Ossining, NY. Call (914)649-6597 for directions and/or more

3.) Was Yesterday's call for FCC, FTC and SEC Investigation of Sprint/MCI
Merger Heard by Congresswoman Sue Kelly?

Yesterday (Thurs., 2/3/00) about a dozen members of Safe Ossining Schools
(SOS) staged a protest outside of MCI/WorldCom offices in Rye Brook, NY,
calling upon federal regulators to investigate Sprint's behavior in the
Ossining cell tower case and to consider the environmental and health
impacts that the rapid expansion of in-place cell towers which will follow
the merger will have upon life on the planet.

News 12 Westchester reported this response by Sprint to yesterday's action:

"A Sprint spokesman said that there are no dangers and that the company has
done all it can to try to address residents fears."

The action included a mock wedding between "groom" Sprint and "bride" MCI -
"guests" voiced their objection to the marriage in unison.

Ossining resident Don DeBar, in a telephone conversation with Congresswoman
Sue Kelly's Washington DC office, asked for a press release from the
Congresswoman's office that would express her concern and contain a promise
to take the matter up with the regulatory agencies. As of today, 2/4/00, no
word was yet received from her.