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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"Marques, Jorge" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:57:30 -0700
text/plain (86 lines)
-------- Original Message --------

Press Contacts:
In US Dr. Gordana Vunjak,
[log in to unmask], 617-253-3858
In Yugoslavia Dr. Branislav Nikolic,
[log in to unmask]

Department of Organic Chemical Technology and Polymers
Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
Belgrade University
Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Until yesterday we could attempt to understand, although
not accept, NATOs bombing of Yugoslavia in terms of their
military, strategic or logistic aims, even though some
tragic accidents had occurred.  This changed dramatically
in the night from Saturday to Sunday (17 - 18th April,
1999) when NATO deliberately bombed the poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC) and vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) plants at
Pancevo. Subsequently, increased atmospheric
concentrations, well above the allowed limits (an
unconfirmed report spoke of more than 10 000 times higher
values), were measured in the vicinity of the VCM plant.

Also, all day Sunday, the VCM storage tank was emptied by
controlled burning to prevent an even greater ecological
catastrophe. During this process, huge quantities of the
"greenhouse" gas, carbon dioxide, and the acid gas,
hydrogen chloride, were released into the atmosphere. As
scientists, you will realize the significance of this
irresponsible NATO act. VCM is a colorless, odorless and
tasteless gas which is extremely carcinogenic. PVC was
banned for food packaging because of the ppb quantities of
VCM it contains. It is also known that developed countries
have dislocated their production of VCM and PVC to third
world countries because of the extreme health risks
involved. Due to the very precise initial bombing of the
Pancevo Oil Refinery, which disabled the water vapor
production unit, thus preventing the operation of the
entire petrochemical complex, it is obvious that NATO is
very well aware of the layout of each individual unit in
the complex and is able to exactly pinpoint its
targets. Consequently, the targeting of the VCM unit was
deliberate, although there was no military or strategic
object in the vicinity. Pancevo has 140 000 inhabitants and
lies about 15 km from Belgrade which has a population of
over 2 million. The VCM plant is about 5 km from the center
of Pancevo. NATO has continuously stressed that it has no
quarrel with the Serbian people. In view of the events of
the night from Saturday to Sunday, the credibility of this
statement must now be questioned. As the spreading of
dangerous and toxic vapors cannot be hindered by
international borders, this new development in the strategy
of NATO must be of concern not only to neighboring
countries, but to the complete international community.

We would ask you to ensure, in any way available to you,
that this new, extremely dangerous policy of NATO becomes
known to the people of the world, in the hope that world
opinion can stop NATOs action before an ecological
catastrophe results.

Dr Dejan Skala
Professor, Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering

Dr. Ivanka Popovic
Professor, Division of Polymer Processing

Dr Jovan Jovanovic
Professor, Division of Petroleum Processing

Dr Milorad Sokic
Professor, Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering
and Crude Oil Refining

Dr Dusanka Petrovic Djakov
Professor, Division of Organic Chemical Technology

Dr Jovanka Filipovic
Professor, Division of Polymer Synthessis

Lynne Katsikas
British Guest Scientist