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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
"I. STEPHEN MARGOLIS" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:34:05 -0400
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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
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-----Original Message-----
From: WAPD [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 1999 11:46 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: THE BEACON for [dis]ABILITY


                    THE BEACON for [dis]ABILITY

        World Association of Persons With (dis)ABILITIES  [WAPD]

               A Non-Profit, Non-Political-Association

  The Beacon of Knowledge & Refuge for the World's Largest Minority

   Week of: June 14, 1999          BOOKMARK: <http://www.wapd.org>

   A FREE newsletter sent to 24,000 subscribers around the world.
             Rebroadcasted by groups and associations.
    Feel Free to forward this Newsletter to interested friends.
                     WWW. Formatted Edition


            "Let us be among those who renew this world
             and bring prosperity & solace to creation"
                 _ Zarathushtra.. about 1738 B.C. _

                       * SPECIAL EDITION *

   [ Achieving Together That Which We Could Never Achieve Alone! ]


    Alert! Alert! Alert!
 1. Kelly Dillery in serious DANGER Needs HELP NOW!

 2. THE BEACON for [dis]ABILITY Vacation until week of July 12.



Kelly Dillery is in serious danger in Sandusky, Ohio!
WAPD is changing our usual format this week because of
a potentially dangerous situation that is threatening
the very life/existence of the lady and her daughter.

YES!! Keep the email going to the Sandusky Register and
Governors office that we started last week and increase
it so that they will know and report that many thousands
are watching the persecution of this brave lady......

See June 7 Newsletter story: (Kelly Dillery Now!..You
Tomorrow!.. Email Bomb!) http://www.wapd.org/news/index.html


Friday they started harrassment again! See the letter
from a member of the WAPD Board of Directors, Marcie
Roth, below.

Dear Advocates, For several months, many of us have
followed the story of Kelly Dillery, a 30 year old
mom in Sandusky, Ohio. Kelly was charged with the
crime of child endangerment for riding her wheelcair
in the streets of her town with her four year old
daughter Kelsi strapped on her lap (a practice not
unlike that of biking parents or parents with children
in strollers. Kelly rides in the street due to
inaccessible sidewalks and poor sidewalk conditions
on many of the sidewalks that do have curb cuts.

After outrage being expressed from across the country
and a rally held on her behalf, Kelly was acquitted a
few months ago. Two weeks ago, she was charged again
by Sandusky police for riding in the (curbless, yet
unrepaired) street near her home. On Thursday, Kelly
filed a lawsuit against the city of Sandusky, claiming
the city violated her civil rights and is persecuting
her for traveling the city streets in her wheelchair.

According to Mary Butler, from the LEAP Center for
Independent Living who has been leading in the battle
to help Kelly protect her rights,.. "child protective
services came to Kelly's house Friday morning with a
detective. They said they were following up on a
complaint they had received alleging the following:

*that the house is filthy
*that there was no food in the house
*that Kelly is drinking and on drugs
*that Kelsi has been seen abusing the household animals
*and that Kelly was putting cigarette burns on Kelsi (Or
maybe she said this the other way around; it was difficult
to understand every word Kelly was telling me because she
was very upset)

The CPS worker went through everything in Kelly's home, in
every room, in every cabinet, in every drawer, etc. The
house was clean, the refrigerator and cabinets well stocked,
there was no evidence of drug or alcohol abuse and not even
any cigarettes to be found, much less anybody with burns.
They told her that the case would remain open for 45 days
and they could be back any time."

Clearly this situation has continued to grow more volitile.
In a conversation this morning with Dr. George Kerford,
Chief Executive Officer of the World Association of Persons
with Disabilities and an outspoken Dillery supporter, it
was agreed that this situation has esculated to a dangerous
level, and there is no longer any room for disability
rights activists to stand by and watch what happens next.

To our friends in Ohio who haven't yet become intimately
involved, it's time. Kelly and her supporters need
additional help. Kelly needs people to be available to
keep a careful watch for additional problems. For those
farther away, its time to volunteer our support in any
way we can be useful. In other landmark civil rights
cases, the plaintiff was surrounded by support. Let's
make sure Sandusky knows the world is watching their
every move.

For more information on the case, go to:
http://www.sanduskyregister.com and put Dillery into
the search window. To reach LEAP CIL to offer assistance,
you can email Mary Butler at mailto:[log in to unmask]

The time for watching has ended, it's time to act!

Marcie Roth
Director of Governmental Affairs and Public Policy
TASH-Disability Advocacy Worldwide
29 W. Susquehanna Avenue
Suite 210
Baltimore, MD 21204

ACTION NOW!..Kelly & Kelsi need help in Sandusky, Ohio


                  IF IT'S GONNA BE...IT'S UP TO ME/YOU!


WAPD Executive offices will remain open.

"The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open"


The WAPD BEACON  for [dis] ABILITY is a newsletter
providing highlights about WAPD's programs & disability
issues. More information is available via our Web site.

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  Copyright 1999 World Association of Persons with Disabilities