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Sun, 3 Oct 1999 10:09:10 -0400
dcattran <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all who sent information and supportive comments!

The overwhelming agreement was that as long as I carefully adhere to a
g-f diet, take g-f prenatal vitamins and have my blood work done/checked
at the doctor's, that everything should go as smoothly as a non-Celiac

Other important vitamins that were mentioned (aside from folic acid),
were calcium, A, D, and E.

I was encouraged to eat fresh veggies--particularly green leafy
ones--and also to breastfeed (which I do plan to do, barring unforeseen

One woman commented that she while pregnant, she had never felt better.
One presently pregnant woman commented that she now is much more
sensitive to gluten reactions.  She never purposely cheats, but has
eaten in restaurants--prior to pregnancy was never bothered, but now
while pregnant knows immediately if there is a tiny amount of hidden
gluten--so has given up eating out for now.

Many women told about healthy pregnancies.

Thanks for all of the feedback and good luck to all those that I heard
from who are in similar planning stages.
