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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Print Reply
Thu, 5 Aug 1999 07:43:57 PDT
Sheryl Tingley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I sent my summary on this yesterday, but do not see it today. I will post it
again. Please pardon if it appears twice. It is either being delayed in
hyperspace or I hit the wrong button when I thought I sent it or maybe I
went through my email too fast and deleted it. Anyway...here it goes again.

Out of 35+ people, only two have seen no improvement with their asthmatic
symptoms since going gf.

For those who are allergic to wheat (non-sprue), this is the usual allergic
reaction when they ingest wheat. There are allergy treatments 2 members are
undergoing called NAET. It is a treatment to overcome allergies. I will send
them your email address if you would like more info. I do NOT know much
about it so please don't ask me for details. Also a very informed person
wrote that wheat as well as milk "causes mucous to build up in tiny vessels
in the air passages as well as the nasal passages causing difficulty in

For those Celiacs (and there were many) who found improvement, owe it to a
stronger, calmer and healthier immune system, due to better absorption of
vitamins and minerals we have not had before.

I want to thank everyone for sharing their personal experiences with me. I
really appreciate the camaraderie the list offers.

Thanks, Sheryl
Auburn, WA

        "Friendship is a sheltering tree"  ;)