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Tue, 2 Mar 1999 17:24:03 PST
dave taylor <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

OK Listmates,  I've read over the restraunt card I have in my posession,
and checked the other documents I got from TCCSSG to see if there was a
copyright on the card text.  I found none, so here is the text of the

   [Listowner's note:  In general, documents are considered to have a  ]
   [copyright which prohibits republishing without explicit permission,]
   [even without a copyright statement.  However, in this case TCCSSG  ]
   [has given permission for their restaurant card to be posted.       ]

Front of card:

I have Celiac Disease

I have severe reactions to foods which contain:
And their derivatives.
These may be contained in:
   Marinades w/distilled alcohol
   Carmel color
   Extracts w/grain alcohol
   Hydrolyzed wheat protein
   Modified food starch
   Vinegar distilled from grain
   Soy sauce with wheat

Back of card reads:

I must also be concerned with food preparation.
 If my food comes in contact with offending grains it is considered
contaminated; i.e.:
   * food cooked in the same fryer that is used for
      breaded foods
   * meats cooked on the same grill as buns or pancakes
   * if the grill has been used for breaded foods, please
      use aluminum foil

I appreciate the effort you make in preparing my foods.
I can become quite ill if there is contamination

Thank you for your cooperation with my dietary requests.

End of card.

You may want to add to this if you also have a lactose intolerance or
other restriction.  I must give credit to the TCCSSG (Tri-County Celiac
Sprue Support Group)  Metro-Detroit, Michigan

Hope this helps :-)  Dave T.