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Shannon Heisey <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Shannon Heisey <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 6 Mar 1999 15:20:59 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
I really thought this was interesting. I've tried to go to onelist and it's
really become a pain to get around. I really think we should suggest to
Onelist that they put the alt tags back so each link will have text
associated with it.
Shannon and Winsome
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-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Klaus <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, March 05, 1999 9:04 PM
Subject: accessibility on onelist

>Hi everybody,  I am writing to everybody that I can to get all blind people
>and sighted people that know blind people to join together in a very
>important quest.  Lets show people that We can join together for a good
>cause.  recently onelist upgraded their site.  In doing so they made it so
>it is not as speach friendly.  They took out the alt tags that were  behind
>the icons.  What the alt tags did for speach users was when you would tab
>from one link to another the speach would read what that link goes to.  Now
>all you hear is "click here"  This makes it very hard to get around the
>site.  What you have to do is root up your reading cursor and read each
>thing you land on.  This takes about three times longer to move threw a
>page.  What I am asking everybody! to do is to go to the onelist site and
>then find the sujestionsbox and tell them that we want the alt tags back!
>Their may be a way to just do it by mail but I don't know the address yet.
>If anyone knows please let us know ASAP.  This is our chance to stand up as
>one and get something done that can affect all blind people.  Alot of us
>onelist to get mailing lists and some of us have never heard of it.  but
>even if you don't use onelist please help us out! Yes even all of you that
>are lerkers!
>Tom and guide dog Ryan
>Ryan the totally trippendicular casanova
>[log in to unmask]
>KB3DBL clear and on the side.

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