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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Don and Rachel Matesz <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:57:15 -0500
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Mary asked "how do you  eat 80% raw meat?"

What I meant was that we now eat 80% (sometimes more) of our meat foods
uncooked.  We've been doing this for only about 6-weeks.  (So far, good to
great results!)  I prepare hormone and antibiotic-free ground beef in the
style of Steak Tartare.  There are a lot of variations possible using
different herbs and spices and different types of meat (e.g., beef, bison.
lamb, turkey, chicken, etc.  The same goes for ceviche (a marinated raw fish
dish).  Almost any kind of meat food can be marinated then eaten raw.

We still eat some cooked meat foods (for example, I cooked some chicken for
two meals this week and fish last week).  I still enjoy the taste of the
cooked meats...have for a long time!  Sometimes I haveleftovers from the
Paleo or "practically Paleo" cooking classes I teachtoo....don't want good
meat to go to waste and I know what's in the food! It's not anonymous
food with mystery ingredients.

Also,  for 99% of the people I work with in my daily/weekly life eating raw
meat would just be too far out!  For some "rare" is a real stretch!  If I
lead with the raw meat thing, I'd never be able to make a dent in the way
they shop and eat.  They'd keep eating cold cereal and milk for breakfast,
sandwiches, cookies, pizza, drinking soda.  When I show people how to base
meals around cooked meat, fish, fowl, or eggs and colorful fibrous veggies
and/or modest amounts of fruits, with friendly fats....and they love the
textures, colors, aromas, techniques, and the way they feel as a result, I'm
thrilled!  So, I'm not frowning on cooked meat foods... I can see a place
for both cooked and raw meats and vegetables.  It all depends upon who is
doing the eating, where they are in their own personal dietary evolution,
where they want to go, and how motivated or open they are to change.  I'll
help people where they are....improvements are improvements!  Everyone is
evolving....or, I guess, devolving....  Unfortunately, many people are doing
that now.  :-{    I can't help them unless they want to change.

Since a meat and vegetable diet has produced such good results, Don and I
want to see what eating raw meat can do for us, to take us to the next level
of wellness!!! :-D  We've cooked beef and ground turkey "rare" for a long
time...   We eat some raw whole eggs and still some cooked eggs here and
there, but even these we've typically cooked "soft" for a long time...
Prior to experimenting with raw meats, we'd only used raw eggs in
smoothies, "protein drinks", or homemade mayonnaise. (Oh, yeah, as a kid I
ate the better part of several tons of raw cookie dough.... way more carbs
eggs! Hehe! I was a sugar baby!  Oh, I did eat raw, ground meat as a young
right out of the package...sometimes in the car!!!!--before my mom had a
to make burgers. I loved it.  She didn't mind (it was hormone-free) and she
a fan of steak tartare.  Wish I'd continued that on into my teens.  Could of

spared myself a lot of suffering!

Check out the Paleo Diet Archives for the recipes..... there are plenty
of recipes to get you started until Ray's new book comes out.... then my
cook/uncookbook.... then.....someone else's.  Keep on asking great
We're all here to help each other live and learn.  If you want to know about
other people's favorite raw meat recipes, that might be a question to post
to the group?  We could all get some interesting ideas....

Sorry it's so long.  Brevity is not my strong suit.... not yet anyway!

Rachel Matesz, Next Generation Nutrition  :-}