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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:07:56 +0200
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
>Dear Members: I started the PaleoDiet two weeks ago, however, since

>I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for the past 23 years, I am not

>(yet?) eating
>meat or fish-only egg whites ( approx. 18/day), fruits, vegetables
>and a little olive oil. I have not yet added nuts. I am 42 years old

>and type 2 (NIDDM) diabetic for the past 7 years. I was taking 5mg

>Glucotrol XL
>4 times a day and 500 mg Glucophage daily. Even with the pills, my

>morning blood
>sugar was still 250 ( and my tryglicerides were 500+). after just a
>few days on the PaleoDiet, my morning blood sugar is 125to140to150 -

>without any pills.
>(I'll test my tryglicerides shortly). My weight has gone from
>210 to 200. Aside from adding meat and fish, does anyone have any
>suggestions/comments about my diet? Thanks in advance. Brian

Hi Brian,
I think i should answer now because I personally
consider myself to be paleovegetarian.
That means I don't eat any meat or fish or eggs (haven't for about
15 years) - but occasionally certain cheese sorts.
I just feel the opposite of attracted to meat and IMO it *is*
important to listen to ones feelings. Also I am sorry about the way
meat is "produced" today and don't want to have anything to do with
Ray denies in his book (alt least the copy i have) that it was
possible to be paleovegetarian
Rays impressions of our history seems to predominately think of
the years from 30000bc to 10000bc when our anchestors *had to* rely
on meat for nutrition. In addition he somehow adds neanderthal
history -which is much longer- to our own history.
The reasons, the book mentions are, that vegetarians didn't get
enough protein and iron.
Since there are very good plant sources of these items i don't think
this is justified - and hope this question is worked over in his new
book edition.

Beeing paleoveg requires for *me* to include several plant seeds
to keep me satisfied (maybe from proteins or from certain vitamins).
First are nuts and almonds - the ones you don't already have
an allergy on (attention, filberts) are prime food sources.
The fats will help to deal with the diabetes.
I refrain from wheat (mostly ugly mutations of agro business),
but there are many other grains i do take and like.
Sunflower - buckwheat - quinoa - flax  so many seeds.
Cereals i do eat without problems, and which do me good
are: spelt(only ancient varieties), rye, rice, wild rice, millet.
but *only* pure (unmixed) and 100% whole and organic.
(i'm not allergic to gluten).
I know about the lectin contents and can see even lectins as
an advantage.
But I am considering the blood agglutination tests from d'Adamo
which tell me too that only wheat strikes me as type 0.
I only eat fresh white cheese, only little, and at best from goat.

Much of my calories come from plant fats (olive, flax, hemp) instead
of additional protein (which is converted to glucose anyway).

This (my grains and cheese) may sound as a compromise for
"neanderthins". I know that these varieties *were* eaten in
paleolithic times - maybe in low quantities.
On the other hand they have a (only europe counted) 7000y old
history and adaption time - the last 350 generations.
Such a long adaption time does not at all apply to "modern" wheat
AND meats.

I hope you get rid of your egg-whites soon - brrr. They contain a
antinutrient, and all the valuable vitamins are on the yolk.
I'd consider Fish (ocean) better than meat, all wild game better
than farmed meat, grass fed better than grain-fed, and that better
than eggs.



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