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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 12:03:11 +0200
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (119 lines)
S.o. wrote:
> I am not a subscriber to the paleofood list, however, I read the
> daily.  I read that you were now eating natural nutrition based on
nuts and
> fresh plants.  Could you please let me know what your diet
typically consists
> of ?  I am curious, because I too, have been eating nuts and fresh
plants, but
> I also include chicken and fish.

Hello ...
well, I already did, what is a kind of "outing" here in the list:
My paleo eating is without any meat.
Because i think it's unnatural and unnecessary.
At least for me - and as well often for children as i observed
meat isn't a source of pleasure

My diet is inspired by both,
- things that are probable and/or proven to be true paleolithic or
   earlier nutrition composition for our anchestors
   This are not only the few thousand years of glacial ice age in
   Europe, rather several 100000 years before in Africa.
- things that have been adopted in neolithic times in an attempt
   to replace the original natural items  - for the last few thousand

- computations , which possible ancient diet compositions are
    probable and possible, if you compare nutritient ingredients with

the scientific requirements

Typically I eat much plant seeds (all organic of course) - for

example Almonds, Brazils, walnuts, pines...
or their neolithic replacements: buckwheat, millet, rice, rye,

chickpeas, lentils....
AND sesame,sunflower
These are my main sources of protein, calories
and many vitamins (especialy b-group)

Much more in volume and important in ingredients as well as taste

Salads, roots, other vegetables and mushrooms.
Salads: I prefer dark green ones, or not so much genetically altered:
- lambe lettuce, Arugula, dandelion, kress, spinach(raw), chikoree,

radiccio, fennel(raw), romana , lettuce,
  i use much of best quality plant oils, and lemon or apple vinegar
  and salt as the only dressing.

Roots and other vegetables - often eaten raw , often cooked in

(slighly salted) water only:
- carrots, turnip, radish, onion, garlic, aspargus, potatoe(yes)
- broccoli, curlflower, spinach, fennel, mangold, artichoke...
- almost any edible plant in good fresh (organic) quality - wih big

variety but only one or two types at one meal.
AND in winter 1 or 2 avocados every day.

Mushrooms: I frie many types of mushrooms - tastes delicious
many mushrooms are grown on straw or on pieces of wood-few found wild
In the form of mushrooms you can virtually eat trees (wood).

At last the fats: Best quality plant oils I use in the salad and

as the sole sauce over vegetables.
The fats make up at least 30% of my caloric intake.
Olive oil (i select by taste) and only type "extra vergine" (with

intense taste)
 Never extracted types (Hexan used, filtered, heated....)
Flax Oil
Hemp Oil
Walnut Oil
Sunflower oil
For heating purposes I use (less quality) olive oil and butter.

For some weeks of the year i reject every animal product, especially

any dairy then I feel .. kind of accelerated :-)

I don't mind anybody eating meats, may it be red or poultry or fish.

But: Meat is so costly to produce that it's almost always of bad

Bad quality at least if you apply paleolitic measures in terms of
- fat composition: polyunsaturated! w-3:w-6 fats ratio
- containing environmental poisons: heavy metals, organic chemistry
- containing agro substances and poisons (hormones, herbizides)
- food may be contaminated by aflatoxin (fungus-poison) from the

fedder accumulating in dairy and meat
Uhh, now i happend to write a little nutrition outline -
If you don't mind I'll post it to the list too
- as a little introduction to the new ones :-)



A little add-on (on the second view):
I also take care not to use ready-prepared or preprocessed foods
(avoiding soy and grains almost implies this too)
AND not to mix too much ingredients per day..
to releave my imune system.
It also releaves my kitchen work -
keeping meals plain and simple.

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