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Sun, 3 May 1998 13:19:12 -0700
text/plain (52 lines)
Todd wrote:

>Yes, it is a lot.  Most Americans get too much sodium.  You might
>consider giving the potassium supplements to balance the picture

How much potassium for a child? an adult?

... so it would make sense to counteract
>the high polyunsaturated fat levels with the use of antioxidants.

Such as Vitamin C?, or what else?

>Extremely low, I would think.  But glycemic index is a
>measurement of the effect of a food on blood sugar, not on
>intestinal flora.  I doubt that there's a high correlation
>between the two.
But don't organisms such as candida love foods with a high glycemic index? I
thought Ray said a long time ago that intestinal balance can be achieved
with proteins and fats (pemmican) This is what I am doing with my youngest
son, with a small amount of raw veggies as well. It is going well. He eats
proteins, turkey pemmican, with pork fat, and a small amount of raw veggies,
carrots/celery/kale, for example.

Also, regarding potassium, I was thinking to myself and realizing that in a
McDuck hamburger, and fries, there has to be a ton of sodium, at least as
much as in the Oscar Meyer and/or health food store bacon, wouldn't you
think? However, I would like to give them some potassium to balance out the
high sodium.

Overall, the switch to paleo or near paleo kids is going well. My advice to
anyone with older kids [who would resist paleo]  would be to first get Dr
Shaw's urine test done and show it to them. This will blow the parent's mind
as well as the child's. Most people don't realize how sick  [most] of our
kids guts are with candida/Clostridia overgrowth.

This overgrowth of these organisms creates leaky gut which leads to a whole
host of autoimmune diseases.(MS, learning disabilities, RA, you name it)

I think it was John P who said it well, we are all sick and yet it is the
norm so no one realizes it.. Our kids are plied with sugar from am to pm at
school and everywhere else. This is not good for the intestinal flora and
overall health status.


ps Thanks, Todd, for the great answers, much appreciated.

What kind of calcium supplements do you guys use,if any?