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Tue, 8 Jun 1999 01:06:28 EDT
Patrick Meyers <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

ok, well FINALLY I am going in for some testing. I saw Dr. Watts at the
University of California San Francisco today. Wow! Actually a nice, friendly,
inquisitive, concerned doctor! How about that!

So we went over my history and symptomology ("....and the GAS, Dr. Watts! My
god, the incessant, constant, chronic, mind-bendingly irritating and horridly
malodorous GAS!)

He was really appreciative that I was so thoroughly organized and
well-researched on IBD, IBS, Celiac Sprue, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Soooooo.... On Wednesday I get all dressed up head out to the lab at UC,
where I will be getting tons of blood work drawn (including gliadin
antibodies) and then a FULL colonoscopy and an endoscopy of the small
intestine. He's going to try to take multiple samples from the bowel, then
far up into the colon if possible, and then the small intestine (obviously
not in that particular order). So they'll be coming at me from *all ends*,

Believe me I don't want to have IBD or Celiac Sprue, but after 20 years of
irritable bowel (the gas my god the gas!), and I'm only 29, with the gas
becoming chronically malodorous beyond what any human being should be
emitting in the last 6 months, 15 years of awful dandruff and recurrent acne,
and after 2.5 years of horrid chronic fatigue, dizziness, flu-ish feelings,
and aches, I don't care WHAT is wrong with me, I just want to figure out what
the clinker is!

And this, my friends, seems to be one of my last cards. I have been pursuing
these symptoms for years now, and if nothing comes up this go around, I'm
afraid I will have to resign myself to that nebulous realm of "Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome" and "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", aka in many doctors
p.o.v.'s "its all in your head."

Anyway, at least within CFS there are subsets of subdiseases popping up
through some of the studies. Keeping hope!

Looking forward to my diet of chicken broth and apple juice all day tomorrow!
