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Wed, 24 Feb 1999 14:40:05 -0400
MR&MRS Wentworth <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all that responded to my question about what is a low-carb diet.
Here is the summary of those responses.


If you are to believe the author of the book:  Eat Right For Your (Blood)
Type by Peter D'Adamo, it all depends on your blood type.  Low carb is good
for some and others need them.  The book will tell you if you are eating the
right foods for your type.


It depends on which low-carb plan you are following.  Go to :
http://members.tripod.com/~dietman2 for explanations of Lots of varieties!
I am following Protein Power/Zone myself.


Under 20 grams.


Men - 60 grams
Women - 40 grams
Husband lost 40 pounds in 3 months/ 1 and 1/2 yrs.  ago.  Low-carb cookbooks
available in libraries.


Atkins Diet
Protein Power Diet
Less to begin with then gradually increase.  30 grams to start with and 55
grams or less to lose weight.


20 - 80 grams.  Key, when you start craving sweets to cut down on carbs.


Low-Carb website at @malestrom.stjohns.edu


One person became allergic to rice, by giving up rice, lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks.




Protein Power has 2 plans.  30 grams for those who have a lot to lose and 55
grams for those who have less to lose.  In the meantime you should eat plenty
of protein as well.  The protein requirements depend on your body and your
exercise habits.


I don't personally believe in low carb diets.  This is an opinion based on my
own research and knowledge of the needs for carbs in a persons daily diet.  I
am a diabetic and had to learn all about carb utilization and the way the
body not only metabolizes carbs but uses carbs for important daily functions.
The point is that a low carb diet is detrimental to important brain function
and one should be cautious when practicing low carb intake.  In fact, a well
rounded diet of carbs, fat and protein with a good exercise program and a
daily calorie intake not exceeding 1800 would be your best approach in the
long run and would enable you to keep the weight off easier.  These are all
suggestions based on 30 yrs of experience working with dieticians and
doctors.  Please take this advise for the way I give it as a concerned
person.  You should do some research on the subject.


Thanks again for the replies.  My diet plan right now is the words of Rosie
O'Donnell, "Eat Less and Move More!"

Becky W.