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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 08:15:51 -0700
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
<[log in to unmask]> from "Tony Abdo" at Jul 24, 2000 01:14:45 AM
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
William Meecham <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (72 lines)
This is disinguous, the judges etc. are overwhelmingly male-WASP
> Issodhos says.....
>     I can't speak for Aussieland but in America judges come in all
> colors, gender, and ethnicity. So do American prosecutors, defense
> attorneys, paralegals, cops, and (most importantly) American juries. Why
> do you think them racially discriminatory?
> and Bill responds.....
>    That's a very narrow definition of discrimination you are driving at,
> the process doesn't have to be openly discrininatory to be effectively
> discriminatory.
> Wait a second, Bill.    Don't you think that Issodhos is getting away
> with murder here?     Issodhos would have people believe that the
> judicial and policing systems of the United States are some sort of
> perfect Rainbow Coalition, equal in proportion to society as a whole!
> And fair!
> Having just come from a board meeting of the Texas Department of
> Criminal Justice, I didn't exactly see that Rainbow Coalition.    I saw
> a group that looked like they were going to church in an upper middle
> class white community, by and large.
> When I worked in a prison, I saw white guards toting rifles on horses
> guarding black prisoners dressed in white uniforms.     When I passed
> inside, I went past a row of photos of white big-wig pigs in the prison
> administration to an almost Black prison population that served food in
> the guards cafeteria lke slaves to their masters.
> Owners of the private prison contracting companies that run prisons for
> private profit down here aren't Latino or Black.     What type of
> self-con is Issodhos trying to pull?
> Most judges are political appointees.     Even if nominally elected,
> it's still via a White controlled patronage machine.     Sure, there's
> some Clarence Thomas coloring added.    And Judge Judy is on TV.     I
> guess we have a non-sexist, non-racist system in place?    At least on
> TV.
> How did the Black and Latino community get where it has a
> disproportionate number of its residents committing murder?     It got
> to be that way from a racist legal system, and racist police force,
> combining up to throw a disproportinate number of poverty stricken
> minorities into the prison system.
> If we had Whites thrown into prison proportionately for drug and
> property offenses with Hispanics and Blacks, then the murder rate would
> rise in the White community also.     Increasing the numbers of
> prisoners incarcelated ,increases the numbers of murders committed.
> Go to jail and find out why.    It's not really hard to figure out.
> The simple fact is, that by imprisoning high numbers of minorities, the
> system is also increasig the amount of violent crime in those
> communities.      That's what the racist judicial system is set up to
> do.
> Communities traumatized by crime are less likely to be able to mobilize
> themselves to demand social justice on other issues.     If you are
> worried about a drive-by shooting killing one of your kids, you're not
> going to make joining a union, or demonstrating against war, a top
> priority.
> White prosecutors and police know that throwing people into jail for
> victimless crimes turns out more violence into the community.     That's
> why if you are White, you will get a better deal for youthful
> stupidities done.     Black or Hispanic gets the lock.
> Tony Abdo