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Andy Williams <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Jun 1999 16:04:27 -0500
text/plain (20 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi -my husband and son are undiagnosed celiacs, and have been amazingly
healthy since going gluten-free.  We just started NAET last week.  I found
our doc through the internet.  There is an NAET website, but I do not know
if it is ok for me to list it here.  It is quite an obvious address, so
either play around or do a search on NAET and you should find it.  It has a
page to help locate practitioners.  For instance, in the Dallas area, there
are at least two MD's who do it - an MD no less!!  Ours is a chiropractor,
but I have seen RN's and ND's also.

Since our allergies are harder to see a reaction (intestinal, behavioral),
we don't know how the first treatment went.  However, our youngest son is
allergic to eggs, which causes major vomiting and migraines.  He was treated
for his egg allergy last week, and since then has eaten two eggs with no
reaction, and eaten egg as an ingredient in several things and we are
amazed.  No reaction.  It appears his allergy is cleared.

Cheri in Arkansas