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Print Reply
ALEX LAGIA REDD <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 19:13:50 -0500
text/plain (115 lines)
----- Original Message -----
From: ALEX LAGIA REDD <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2002 7:09 pm
Subject: Re: Clinton says 'Ignorance of Africa'

> Why blame Clinton and House Democrats for African growth and
> development, Matthew? Let's blame ourselves for disunity; tribalism,
> clientalism, kleptocracy, rampant corruption, etc.
> Africans need to do soul-searching, love each other, unite in
> developing community-oriented programs, aimed at uplifting and
> enriching our culture and national identity.
> The need to abandon dependency on core western countries particularly
> America by debunking Washington pinhead politicians' ideological and
> deep-seated racial attitudes toward Black Africans; the belief that
> Africans are incapable to govern themselves.
> Let's encourage our African leaders to respect the rule of law,
> discourage them from magnifying ethnic and clan divisions in order to
> perpetuate power in their own homelands.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: mathew jallow <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Thursday, October 10, 2002 6:47 pm
> Subject: Re: Clinton says 'Ignorance of Africa'
> >
> > Too little, too late Mr. Bill (Womanizer,Playboy,Lewensky)
> > Clinton. Did he not know what he is saying now, when he was for
> > eight long years the most powerful man in the entire world?He had
> > the power to do a lot then, but did nothing of any signifance.
> > The best he can do for Africa right now is to stay here in the
> > U.S.and use his popularity to help the Democrats win both
> > legislative houses in D.C.Then from a position strength, he can
> > put his Africa agenda on the Washington political menu.
> > The United States and Europe are treating black Africa the very
> > same way the Democrats are treating black Americas: Taking us for
> > granted.It is so incomprehensible and so inexcusable that with all
> > the ABUNDANCE of wealth, Africa remains so under-developed and
> > neglected.
> > Aggo Akyea <[log in to unmask]> wrote:'Ignorance of Africa' biggest
> > hindrance, Clinton says
> >
> > Associated Press
> > Thursday, October 10, 2002
> >
> > Washington --- Relief for the health problems, economic woes and
> > violence plaguing Africa is being hindered by widespread ignorance
> > in many industrial nations, including the United States, former
> > President Clinton said Wednesday.
> >
> > Many Americans view Africa as a single country rather than a
> > continent, Clinton said.
> >
> > Just back from his latest African tour, which included visits to
> > Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria and South Africa, Clinton said he still
> > makes Africa a priority because many of its problems affect the
> > United States.
> >
> > Millions of Africans live on less than a dollar a day, and life
> > expectancy in most nations there is about ''48 years and
> > falling,'' Clinton said. The AIDS epidemic is especially bad in
> > Africa, where 28 million people are infected with HIV. That's
> > about 70 percent of the world's infected population, he said.
> >
> > ''I think this problem of ignorance of Africa is one the world
> > will pay dearly for if it is not corrected,'' Clinton said during
> > a speech at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
> >
> > Clinton said he hoped to see additional debt relief granted to
> > African nations with HIV infection rates of 15 percent or higher.
> >
> > He also wants to see trade benefits expanded under the African
> > Growth and Opportunity Act.
> >
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