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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Don and Rachel Matesz <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 17:09:33 -0500
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Don and Rachel Matesz <[log in to unmask]>
Next Generation Nutrition. (419) 476-2967

Mr. Thomas Seay:  Perhaps you've never had a serious health problem that was
abated by making changes in your diet.  Perhaps you are unaware that many of
child's tastes and preferences wrt foods are formed at an early age, as are
his/her ways of being in the world.  Left to the devices of others, your
kids (or anyone elses' kids would be eating utter rubbish daily---or as
often as they are around typical people eating a SAD or MAD diet.  If your
child is in the company of junk food eating kids daily, would you have him
eat junk daily?  And where do you draw the line Adults face the same "so
called pressure" to fit in, follow the crowd.

I just met with a lady last night who was so happy to be rid of hot flashes
.... which she had when she ate candy, doughnuts, brownies and all of the
desserts offered up in her place of employment (which were making her
overfat).  Everyone else was/is eating that stuff at the office.  Estrogen
prescriptions took away the hot flashes but made her as depressed as the
excess body fat.  As a 50-something, this woman she had to "learn" how to
"just say no!"  But the result is that she no longer needs to take Estrogen;
she is happier, more energetic, and has lost some fat--all by saying no to
certain foods and yes to other (more nourishing) foods.

By your reasoning, those who suffer form obesity, diabetes, elevated
cholesterol levels, PMS, mood swings, depression, acne, digestive disorders,
allergies, alcoholism, or other health problems (that means 99% of
Americans) could never overcome them because they'd always have to eat
whatever everyone else is eating (that makes them fat and/or sick too) just
to fit in. If you ask me, conformity starts at a young age!!!!

A guy left a post on a different internet group/list saying that "YOU JUST
also said he felt like crapola the next day and that drinking was hindering
his ability to reach certain goals.

Here was my post, which someone privately suggested I (Rachel) send to Dear
Abbey or Ann Landers (which I will when I find their addresses).  Paleo
People, feel free to share this with others...:

I beg to differ.  YOU DON'T have to drink alchol sometime. I don't and
haven't for many years.  I haven't drank soda pop in about 14 years.  I
bring my purified water with me if need be.  My health  is too important to
me than to waste it trying to soothe some wimpy person's ego.  If they offer
you anything you don't want to ingest, politely say "not thank you".  If
they ask, why don'tyou.... ?  explain if you like.  You are NOT responsible
for their feelings.  They are. If they are threated, that's there F-ing
problem.  You are your own person (maybe not yet; but you could be!).  If
they offered you cyanide and everyone was doing it....would you?  (Re;  Jim
Jones' cult...)

Also, alcohol kills brain cells.  Don't know about you, but I want to keep
all of mine.  Also, I had enough bad incidents drinking in my freshman year
college and losing my's not worth it.  Also, alcohol is the
leading cause of auto accidents.  I love life and want to stick
around....want my loved ones and friends to as well.  ANYONE who drinks and
drives--who has a chauffer these days?  Most people who drink also drive
themselves home!---and are putting everyone at risk.  When you get into a
car you
are putting yourself behind the wheel of a DEADLY WEAPON. I wish most people
realized that... even when they are sober, most people are asleep at the
wheel.  It is scary enough being on the road with sober people.......Why
take chances. If you don't drink you will be that much less a menace to
other drivers.

Most people are too deranged nowadays to be able to tell poison from food.
I've not eaten conventional "fast food" in nearly 14 years, doughnuts, and a
long list of
totally fabricated and denatured items included-- that most people think
that can't
live without---for years.  I don't feel deprived.  And I don't worry about
anyone feeling insulted.  Life's too short to run around trying to please
everyone. I eat before I go somewhere or bring my own food, or....hang out
with other health-minded people (mainly my husband!  I have friends who
respect and admire my views too!) and find things to do that support my life
and being.  Maybe you are hanging out with the wrong people.  If they want
you to join them in destructive passtimes....and they pressure you or are
threatened by you're NOT joining them,,,,,,then they don't sound like
friends..... Friends help you become more of who you are and who you are
capable of being not less...

Anyway, it irks me when people say, that "you have to drink alchol
sometimes" or "you have to eat candy, chips, fast food, or drink pop
sometimes" or otherwise trash your body.  YOU and THEY might have to... but
I don't.  My husband doesn't.  And you don't have to either.  I hope you
take this as I meant it...a challenge to go beyond the status go, slotting
in, fitting in, being a
drone, following the flock.

Kids learn from their parents.  Conformity kills if you ask me.

Rachel Matesz