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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Thu, 7 Jan 1999 18:57:11 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi!  Just wanted you guys to know that I've been researching and now I'm
trying some neutriceutical products that have had great results with
people with auto-immune diseases.  I talked to a biochemist and two
doctors with this organization to find out if these products were
gluten-free.  They have confirmed to me that all their products EXCEPT
MannaCleanse (which contains oat bran fiber) and their protein MannaBars
(has many grains in the formulation) are gluten-free.  I have been
taking their Plus capsules which are to support the endocrine system,
their ManAloe capsules which contains plant polysaccharides and
freeze-dried aloe vera gel extract to promote better communication
between cells, and their PhytAloe capsules which are freeze-dried raw
fruits and vegetables with Ambrotose (a patented blend of
monosaccharides with rice flour to promot cellular communication).  What
their research has explained is that the Ambrotose, 8 glycoproteins,
replenish the missing glycoproteins on our cells and allow our cells to
communicate correctly to each other so that our  immune systems will not
fight against our bodies but will be able to identify foreign invaders
more correctly.  I started taking it to help my Celiac disease and have
had balanced hormones ever since (so my husband says I should keep
taking it!!)--no more hot flashes, mood swings, etc., and then the
biochemist gave me a name of a woman that is a former celiac, he said.
I was very skeptical.  Extremely so and told him that this disease is
incurable and he said that I should talk to her.  So, I called her.  She
had just finished eating a hamburger (regular wheat buns).  She said
she'd been on these products for 5 years and after one year was able to
eat wheat again.  She has her blood checked every year and she was
biopsy diagnosed CD.  I have been using these products for two months
and just recently I had a gluten accident.  I thought I had grabbed my
gluten-free waffles from the freezer (I guess I wasn't fully awake yet
that morning) and I ate an Eggo waffle by mistake.  I had no violent
reaction like I always do when I have even the tiniest crumb of wheat or
other hidden gluten no-no.  I just felt like something was amiss that
day, like I was coming down with a cold or something, but no more than
that.  No diarrhea, no nausea, nothing.  When I realized my mistake, I
was so excited that I had not had a violent reaction and it must be
because of these products!!!  So, anyway, I am hoping that my body will
keep improving.  My stool is better also.  This woman recommended for me
to take their Ambrotose powder (which she said was the very potent
powder) like she did.  So I'm starting that--been on it for a week and a
half.  I've had much more energy than before, so I like that a lot!
Haven't noticed anything else yet.  So, anyway, I'm using myself as a
guinea pig and will let you guys know how it's going.  If it works, than
maybe we're on to something great for us all!  If it doesn't work, then
at least I'm the only one that will be bothered by it.  (Besides, it's
expensive.)  Of course, no one has ever claimed this disease is a cheap
one, right?  Well, anyway, I just couldn't wait to tell you guys about
my gluten accident and how easy it was.  Will keep you posted on my
progress or regress.  I am only taking their products, I am not selling
these products although I've been told that that is an avenue that some
people take.  Please don't e-mail me for these products or anything.
I'm just experimenting and seeing what it does.  I would NEVER want to
support a product for someone unless I'm convinced of its benefits
first.  In fact, I hope one of our physician advisors could look into it
and see what they think about it helping us.  They have a website at
www.mannatech-inc.com if you are interested in looking into this

Working together,
Renee'  in Florida