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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 07:35:10 -0700
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Do you think an occasional serving of tofu is harmful?  I give my son some
tofu about once a week or once every two weeks in order to do food rotation.
I try to rotate proteins so he will not become allergic to any more
proteins. He is already allergic to beef, wheat, and casein.

I can give him beef very occasionally and do not have the reaction as bad as
a dairy or wheat gluten challenge.

Do people ever get  over dairy/gluten allergies?

I have had good luck with ostrich meat from the Whole Foods store here. You
have to request it, they keep it frozen in their freezers. Have also had
good luck with buffalo, no apparent allergy.

He loves meat so much, he could eat a pound of ostrich or buffalo at a
sitting. Is this harmful? He is only 5 and weighs 43 pounds. Many say to
give only a small amount of protein. Can he digest all this?  He is
autistic,  also craves carbos. He does not care for vegetables but we have
trained him to eat small amounts of raw carrots, celery, and broccoli.

We also eat gluten free waffles and other brown rice products.

He would actually be happy I think on an all meat diet. He does not care
much for fish.