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Thu, 3 Dec 1998 09:14:38 -0700
"Lorry B. Getz" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi  all,

A month ago I shared with you about my sister's baby who was having
chronic diarrhea and the questioned the possibility of a breastfed baby
that young of having celiac disease.

My sister's baby has been to the pediatric GI twice.  The 2nd time they
did a scope like a sigmoidoscopy...as they did find an organism in her
stools and wanted to see if it was this organism that was causing the
diarrhea.  Well, it was not.  So, the doctor determined that my niece is
suffering from a milk protein allergy as my niece who is now 4 months
old, has NOT been exposed to anything except for the breast milk.  My
sister questioned him about the possibility of other allergens such as
gluten passing through the milk and the doctor felt that the amounts
were too minute to make much difference.

As a result of this and the discovery that my father (who was diagnosed
with sprue in 1984) may have been misdiagnosed and actually might not
have sprue (his blood work last month all came back negative but we all
know that does not mean much)...I have now been wondering if my 2 year
old son actually has celiac or not.  We go to the gastroenterologist
next week and I intend to ask him about all this...I do know my son
suffers from a lactase, sucrase and maltase deficiency.  And, these
enzymes are located on the upper half of the villi...with my son being
deficient in these disaccharides...would it be possible that the
deficiency could cause the villi to represent itself as in celiac

My son has been doing "well" on the GF diet but not as well as we had
hoped.  He is still very thin and small (despite having started out the
first 6 months of life in the 75% or greater)...and if and when I allow
him foods that are higher in sugars/starches or dairy he reacts to those
with diarrhea for the next day or two...

Wish me luck...while it is nice to dream of the possibility of allowing
gluten foods back into our household and lives...I am not getting my
hopes up but I do want to make sure my son was diagnosed correctly and
get him back on the right track again...besides there is absolutely NO
ONE ELSE in the family with celiac which I find odd...and I know it's

Thanks again for your interest.

Robin in CO, USA