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Print Reply
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 23:28:29 EST
Linda Sowry <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I asked if I could donate organs even though I have CD.
   *The replies were "yes" from everyone in the USA .
   *In Canada it's apparently a "no" as Helen from Vancouver stated when she
wrote the whole list.
   *No other countries were mentioned.

Interesting comments:
   *Moira Sheehan, who works in this field of organ donation, and also surgeons
she works with, said if we stay on our diets and stay healthy, there is
nothing that should keep us from donating even our intestines.   She
reemphasized that there is a ~crital~ shortage in the USA now and not to be
afraid to donate.
   *Jude, a celiac patient, has had two kidney transplants, and CD has never
been on any checklist when looking for potential donors.
   *Lynn, a celiac, said her husband had an unsuccessful kidney transplant from
his sister, and so she offered hers since they're the same blood type.  Her
Celiac Dr. and the transplant surgeons said it was perfectly fine to do so.
   *Gene Hill said in California, CD does not disqualify you.  He (possibly a
she...) said he qualified and was going to have surgery to donate a kidney to
his son but had to cancel due to high blood pressure.  A transplant surgeon
from the Univ. of Calif. told him that CD alone will not disqualify a person.

   This is the summary of the responses that had medical basis in giving answers
to the donor question, except for the post on Canada, and you've read that.
We'll see what happens there.

   Thanks to all, I will leave my donor status on my drivers license alone.
   Linda in Pensacola