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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 22:03:55 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (117 lines)

Thanks for passing on the tip about cleaning the monitor.  Your experience
reminded me of this article.  It is tough to accept that something so
helpful as a computer can he hurtful to us as well.


from the web page:
EMF Effects

   Last year I had an experience while using the computer. I couldnÆt see
   the screen anymore, my eyes became blurry, teary-eyed and blood-shot
   everytime I sat in front of the screen to work. I also started to get
   headaches and I was unable to concentrate fully on the computer. I
   wore sunglasses just to look at the monitor. This was a real concern
   because I love my work, it requires using electronics everyday.
   What was it all about?
   After calling several people, experts in computers, a chiropractor, an
   energy healer, and an eye specialist, I was directed to Ken Lesser. He
   sent me an instrument to test and balance out the health issues.
   You may think it sounds strange or out of this world but it turns out
   that the small necklace called a Q-Link Pendant worked.
   This necklace is provided by Clarus Technologies (1-800-317-9969) and
   is a high-tech tool to enhance your bodyÆs natural energy to have
   increased vitality and advanced Electromagnetic Field protection.
   I was able to see better, increase my energy, and use the computer
   without any dizzy affects for many hours. The sunglasses came off and
   a new perception of my health and the use of electronics grew.
   Basically, any electronic component such as the computer exposes you
   to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). As we continue to use computer for
   longer periods of time we are greatly affecting our bodies. Some
   people are more sensitive to the effects than others. What are EMFs?
   It comes from electricity. In order to transmit electricity
   efficiently, it is necessary to transform it into an alternatig
   current (AC). When ACs are sent through wires and appliances, they
   produce EMFs.
   It is important to really examine what exposure to computers are
   having on our bodies and overall well-being. Electric and magnetic
   fields are shown to produce changes in biological systems. Here are
   some facts and information from some of the experts:
     * Dr. Karl Parker, a well-known chiropractor states, ôOur personal
       research findings give us good reason to be very concerned about
       the negative effects of man-made electromagnetic fields on the
       bodyÆs innate ability to heal.ö
     * In Sweden, the government is taking strong action on the exposure
       to EMFs. The countryÆs National Board for Industrial and Technical
       Development announced that it would ôact on the assumption that
       there is a connection between exposure to power-frequency magnetic
       fields and cancer.ö
     * Dr. Andrew Weil, author of Spontaneous Healing says, ôIÆm
       concerned about toxic forms of energy as well as matter.
       Electromagnetic pollution may be the most signiificant form of
       pollution human activity has produced in the century, all the more
       dangerous because it is invisible and insensible.ö
     * A recent article from CNN says that exposure to some low levels of
       EMF decreases the production of melatonin in women.
     * Cancer cells exposed to high levels of EMF speed up the number of
       cancer cells, and an increased rate at which they were replicating
       when exposed to 60 mghz fields.
     * In 1989, Kaiser Health Care did a research study on over 1,500
       women who were pregnant. Those who spent more than 20 hours a week
       on a computer there almost doubled the number of miscarriages
       compared to those who spent less than 20 hours a week exposed.
   ItÆs still controversial. The idea is not to tell you that if you are
   around EMF that youÆll get cancer, but to tell you that there is some
   correlation. It is quite possible for a person to act as antenna. I
   know whenever I am near a portable computer and on the phone at the
   same time, the closer my hand goes toward the computer the more of a
   buzzing sound it creates on the phone.
   There is a constant leakage off of every electrical appliance which
   enters the body.
   There are a number of ways to help lessen and alleviate the waves
   through your body and ensure your body stays in good health:
     * Purchase a shield/guard for your computer such as Glare/Guard or
       ELF ProTech (1-800-317-9969) that will reduce the radiation and
       magnetic waves around your computer monitor.
     * Make sure the monitor you buy or have has low levels of
       EMF/radiation exposure that conform to SwedenÆs SSI standards for
       radiation protection.
     * Take regular breaks and go outside to give your body some natural
       sun and air exposure.
     * Use a gaus detector by Dr. Gauss (1-800-317-9969) to find out what
       levels of EMF are in your house. It can show you what are safe
       distances from appliances, such as computer monitors.
   Please take all precautions when using a computer regularly, or any
   electronic component. There is much more to learn and apply on this
   subject -- awareness is always the first step.
                                  Kyra Storojev, Special to Channel 2000 

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