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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 23:25:07 -0400
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Alicia Mott wrote:
> This reply will serve as my intro to the group.  I am 51 and have been virtually disabled
> from fibromyalgia for over ten years.  During this time, I have tried ALL the "modern"
> cures - including fasting, vegan diet, juicing, etc.  I happened to catch part of a
> commercial for Protein Power and "something" caught my ear and I thought, "What have I got to lose?".
> It was very hard for me to begin eating meat again, because I considered myself an ethical vegetarian,
> etc.  However, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and IN PAIN!!  I started with Protein Power
> and branched out seeking knowledge -- have now ended up here.
> I cannot overemphasize the difference in how I feel.  While I am still weak due to years of
> inactivity, I don't wake up crying or feel like killing myself to put me out of my misery.
>  My mind is working again and I have a plan on how to regain my health.  I have not yet told
> my doctor about this (I have/had high blood pressure, etc. and I am sure he would disagree with
> my plan).  But, when I return to him, the results will speak for themselves and then maybe he
> will be able to help others with his new-found knowledge.
I used to be on a CFS/Fibromyalgia list and newsgroups for a couple of years (may be more?)
because my girlfriend at the time had developed a number of conditions, including CFS/Fibro.
One thing that I noticed was that the only thing that seemed to lead reliably to significantly
better health for people with those conditions was a low carb diet (may be paleo too, but
I don't recall anyone at that time who tried that specifically).  The experience was usually
the same - people would get better, get all excited about it, and try to tell others on the
lists/newsgroups.  They were systematically 'shouted down' by many claiming that those diets
were dangerous, bad for PWCs, etc. After about 3-6 months they would give up posting and the
lists/newsgroups would revert to discussing the usual 'how to live with ...' topics rather
than 'how to cure...' topics. It always amazed me that many listened to the supposed experts -
i.e. people who were experts by the sheer fact that they had the illness for many years. To
me it indicated failure to find the right knowledge, rather than accumulated expertise.

One thing I never discovered is if it was low carb aspect of those diets that was causing
better health for PFCs or the fact that they were close to paleo (or both). It would be
interesting to see your experience with both paleo and low carb.
