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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mark Moore <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 21:17:23 -0700
Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Text/Plain (75 lines)

This message is in response to questions that were asked about my 7 day
fish fast.  I appreciate the comments and feedback.  I can tell you from
experience that the research procedure works better for me when there is
interaction with others-- although i am not use to openning up to so

For 21 days before the fast i ate fish (mostly farmed raised salmon) and
six fruits--plums, nectarines, peaches, dried peaches, dried apricots,
frozen cherries, and apples.

During the fast, i ate mostly fresh halibut along with perch and two
other types i can't remember.  None of the fish was farmed raised.  I
ate as much as i wanted, whenever i wanted it (nothing after 7 PM). I
averaged about 3 pounds a day spread out over 4 or 5 meals.  I never
felt hungry.

I had planned to stay on the fast for two weeks to evaluate the effects
of the diet.  It was too much for me and on the 8th day i ate about 12
medium sized apples and that restored my energy.  On the 9th day, i
continued on the fish fast and will keep on it until day 12 when i will
again switch to fruit only.  How long to try a diet is always a key
decision--perhaps even more important than what to try.

I did not experience the emotional upheaval when i continued on the
fast.  I am incapable of describing what i experienced during the first
few days of the fast.  One impression that hit me hard was how strong my
emotions and personality were a function of the chemical reactions going
on inside of me.  If you are intested i recommend that you try a fast of
two or three days--it might jolt your perception of the world.

I had only one bowel movement without the aid of an enema during the
week.   I should mention that i hurt my back and my chiropractor says
that his patients with injuries like mine often become constipated until
the back heals.

I follow a daily light exercise routine.  I calculated the strength lost
by the changes in my ability to do push-ups.  I calculated the stamina
change by the changes in my ability to walk long distances.

I have not eaten vegetables in 19 months and have not eaten nuts in 13
months.  I am on the fence whether to reintroduce these foods in the
near future.  I have not eaten dairy products in seven years and cut out
grains and legumes about three years ago.  I feel confident i won't be
ever again be eating these three foods.  They were definitely causing me
health problems.

Keep in mind my objective is to investigate the theory that certain
foods are causing me grief--fatigue, insomnia, muscle aches, tinnitus,
and brain fog.  I am not yet searching for my optimum diet. Therefore i
am quick to throw out foods.  Although there is a definite risk that by
eliminating foods i am missing some needed nutrition and thus shortening
my lifespan.

My next step is to evaluate whether combining fruits and meats in my
digestive system is causing me problems.  If i eat fruits and meats on
separate days  i will be sure that there will be no combining without
having to limit myself to only two meals a day.

In  10 days  i plan on starting to switch between wild fish, buffalo,
and venison (if i can get some).  I want to go two months without eating
any grain-fed animals.

Don't put too much importance on what diet i chose to try.  I have found
it is better for me to keep focused on the whole procedure and not get
bogged down on only one step: 1 plan a diet and decide how long to try
it.  2.  implement the diet.  3.  observe the results.  4.  move on.

I will continue to rely on Ray Audette and contributors to this list for
ideas of what to try in the future.

Thanks again,