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Wed, 2 Jun 1999 17:26:42 -0500
Robin Lancaster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear List,

So many of you asked to be kept posted on my daughter so here is an update.
Brief reminder: couldn't eat fruit, chocolate and high fiber foods.  We saw
the gastroenterologist today.  This is what he said:

1) the blood test she failed was the IgG AGA (not specific enough)

2) passed the IgA AGA test.  He drew blood to make sure she made the IgA (if
   you don't make IgA you can't have antibodies)  If she makes IgA it is
   extremely unlikely that she has celiac.

3) doesn't think she has celiac but is going to do a biopsy anyway (she just
   looks to healthy)

4) believes it is more possible that she has a bug due to all the
   antibiotics she has taken in her life for ear infections.  The
   antibiotics killed off all the good bacteria and opened up the door for
   this bug.  A simple stool test will tell us this.

5) believes it is more likely that she is lacking the enzyme to digest sugar
   because of the problems with fruit, chocolate and when she eats the high
   fiber cereal we put sugar on it to make it more palatable.  This is also
   an inherited thing but must be passed on from both parents.  It is
   extremely rare, he has only seen 3-4 his whole career (and he isn't

The diagnosis for #5 is a diet restricted from all sugar to see if she
improves and also a biopsy.  The single biospy will tell him if she has
celiac or lacking the sugar enzyme.  The biopsy cannot be scheduled until
late July or early August.  So there it is guys, no definite answer but
we are making progress, I think.

Thanks so much to all of you for your support, encouragement and counsel.

Robin in Dallas
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