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Mon, 15 Mar 1999 04:10:46 EDT
Carol Lydick <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Although I have been taking vitamins for years, I just discovered
something that I wanted to share.  Recently my cholesterol has become a
serious problem for me and no medicines seem to agree with me, causing a
flare up of adrenal insufficiency symptoms.  I therefore have tried all
sorts of natural means to try to control it.  High doses of niacin is
recommended (to those who do not have any liver problems) as an
effective means for some people.  So although I take Twin labs daily
multivitamins and other supplements, I added 200 mg of Niacin to my
daily routine. (I am aware that this is not a therapeutic dose for
cholestrol management) Within a week I started to feel SO much better.  My
pains started to go away, I had less fatigue and hypoglycemia etc.
(No idea of how my cholesterol is doing)

I looked up niacin in a vitamin book and found some interesting information
that I had forgotten.  (Years ago I was diagnosed with Pellegra and Scurvy,
but felt I now had the vitamins under control)

When I went to the book (Time-Life) it stated-.  Quoting a Dr. William Kaufman
MD. PhD.   "When I began practicing medicine in 1941, before the compulsory
enrichment of cereal products, I realized that there was-----
---Patient after patient coming in with a group of symptoms which were
quite similar----such as inability to concentrate, depression,
irritability, joint complaints, excessive fatigue, bloating and
intestinal complaints  -----Very soon I recognized that this strange
syndrome was probably a form of pellagra that had not yet reached to
degree of severity to cause the classic combination of skin rash,
diarrhea and dementia (schizophrenia type symptoms), that is typical of niacin

I have shortened the article just pulling out the more important parts.

What I am wondering is:  There are many people who go GF and are better,
but then the symptoms appear to come back, especially fatigue, mental
fogginess and gut problems.  Now I know that my gut did not heal immediately
and now even after being GF 6 years, I am having problems absorbing vitamins
from foods. (although I found by joining this list that I was getting gluten
in many foods that I had no clue contained gluten, such as natural flavors).

Apparently I am still healing and not absorbing the vitamins that I need,
because of the great improvement I experienced on niacin supplements.
Of course another point might be that the flours I now use are not
enriched like the wheat flours and cereals.

I wonder how many people may still be experiencing vitamin deficiencies
rather than gluten reactions as they certainly are very similar as
symptoms go.  (Other vitamin deficiencies create other symptoms.)
Perhaps if people get flare ups for unknown reasons they
might discuss it with a trained nutritionist or their doctors. I would
suggest medical direction, because additional problems occur if B vitamins
are not used in proper proportions.   (My doctor refused to even consider
the role of vitamins to health)  Getting a book on vitamins from the library
might be helpful.  This is not medical advice, just a possible avenue for
some people still suffering after going GF.  Carol in NJ