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Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:43:29 -0800
goalieootttaA <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (102 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmates,

Thanks for all the help with this question!

I asked the question below about raisins and got the following answers:


> Is there anything about the processing of raisins that might introduce
> gluten into the final product? I have just started eating Sun Maid
> seedless raisins and am getting what seem like 'gluten symptoms' (nausea
> bloating etc). I have seen package info on other raisins where there was
> something used to enhance the drying process but there is nothing on this
> package to indicate contents as far as I can see.


I, too, had read that some of the other brands dust their raisins with
flour to keep them from sticking together, but that the Sun Maid brand
was supposed to be o.k.  Please let us know what you find out.  I find
them such a convenient food to throw in the purse or suitcase so there
will be at least something I can eat while I'm out.

I only use the Sun-Maid Mini-Snack boxes. The raisins stick together in
these unlike those in the tins of snack raisins. I'd always suspected the
latter of having a flour coating to reduce sticking though there may be
too much moisture for that to work. When I last asked SunMaid, got a
letter claiming they didn't use anything else in any of the products they
had at the time. You remind me it's time to check again.

you are probably just snacking to heavily on them.  I have done this
before.  Most dried fruits will cause gas and bloating if you eat too many
of them.  BTW, I have called Sun Maid in the past and they say that their
product is gluten free.
You might call and check with them to see if they use sulfur in their drying
process (many companies do).   Lots of people are allergic and react to

It may just be more fiber than you are used to causing the bloating.  I
don't know of anything in them that would have gluten in it.

maybe too much fiber? now why would they put Gluten on raisins? if they do
that then there is not much hope...

    I don't know about those raisins in particular, but I have
found raisins with some oat flour on them to keep them from sticking
to one another.  Perhaps the raisins you have have some type of
starch dusting them too?  I believe that the ingredients list
should make mention of it, but you never know.  Good luck tracking
down the problem.

This is a typical case of Candida Albicans, in English east overgrow in
your digestive system. Those symptoms coming, when sugar is consume a
specially on empty stomach. Yo get rid of it, but is recommended to stay
sugar,gluten and fruits free for about 6 weeks. That make you more sick
temporary, but that is the cost, what you have to pay. There is many
sites on www, where you can learn a lot about Candida Albicans.

        I'm not sure about the gluten, but my boys got red ears whenever they
ate raisins, so we switched to golden raisins and to white grapes. They
say the kids are sensitivity to phenols in the dark skin of grape. Hope
this helps.

You might check and see if they powder the raisins with flour to keep
them from sticking while processing them like they do candy.

raisins are on my vaso-active amine list.  Apparently those little rascals
cause similar reactions as gluten.

EEK! Let's hope there isn't  any gluten in raisins!  The stomach upset
may be due to bacteria on the fruit, or yeast overgrowth in your
digestive tract (in which case the concentrated sugars in the raisins,
or other dried fruit, would cause gastric upset).

I have had reactions to raisins before, but mostly in trail Mix.  I guess
they use flour to keep the raisins from sticking together.

I don't know the answer to your question, but I have had similar reactions
to Sun-Maid golden raisins.

I just had some Sunmaid raisins on the weekend with no problems.  Did you get
them from a box or a bag?  Anything in a box may have glue which may have
gluten in it - sometimes you get sick, sometimes you don't!

Thanks to all who replied!