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Mon, 16 Nov 1998 09:34:07 -0500
Chris DiTrani <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (372 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

*As so many have asked for this and as I have lost track of at least one
who asked, I'm posting this to the list.

A fair number of people responded w/ heart symptoms of some sort that they
can or can't blame directly on Celiac or wheat/gluten allergy. I'll leave
it to the reader to make determinations.

A number of you have asked for the compilation of responses so I've
included it below.

Personally, I've have exercise induced P.A.T. (post atrial tachycardia)
since I was a young teenager. I'm 32 now, and the condition slowly became
worst w/ the years. About 8 months ago the P.A.T. started to appear w/o any
exercise. I've known I've been at least wheat allergic for years as I've
had anaphylactic like reactions, including elevated heart rate,  to large
ingestions of wheat. I cut gluten out of my diet completely 8 months ago
and after about 6 weeks  my heart symptoms seemed to all but disappear, and
I remain nearly[1] symptom free.

[1] The few skipped beats I experience now are probably normal, and I just
notice them more than the average person due to my experience. Or at least
that's the Dr.'s theory...



I had CD for a long time without knowing it.  During that time, I was
under a lot of stress (which probably caused the CD to get as bad as it
did).  During that time, I did have heart palpitations fairly regularly.
It always seemed that they were associated with the stress.  However,
now that you mention it, in the 8 months since I've been GF, I don't
remember any palpitations.  I'm still under a lot of stress (ongoing ex
problems).  All things considered, I'd still probably link the
palpitations to the stress though.


    I have mitral valve prolapse also, but if I manage to get a little gluten,
I will also get palpitations, but only because I'm having difficulty
like when I eat a heavy meal or something a bit fatty.  I think my metabolism
goes up, therefore stimulating my nervous system; hence, the heart
So, I don't know what causes it.  Could be the celiac or the MVP.  Gee, I'm
starting to sound like a doctor!!  :)


Yes, I had arrhythmia that started in Feb. 1996.  Was up to 200 bpm several
times.....I was put on a heart monitor which I wore for a month and then put
on medication which controlled it but had too many side effects.  Had two
heart ablations....one in June and one in August of 1996. The first Dr.
tried a dozen times to zap the right place and couldn't do it.  The second
Dr. couldn't get the heart to race at the time he wanted to do the ablation.

They wanted to keep me on the medication which was a high blood pressure
medication but it lowered my blood pressure too much.  I did not have high
blood pressure anyway.  Medication made me so tired couldn't get out of bed.

Anyway, I stopped taking the medication in Sept. 1996.  In Oct. 1996 I went
on a GF diet...........I am self diagnosed but had 14 celiac symptoms.
After going on the diet my arrhythmia stopped.  Also, all my other symptoms
went away.

I hope being on a GF diet will also stop your arrhythmia.


One of my worst symptoms if I overate before I knew I was gluten
intolerant,  was a pounding heart.   And now if I get gluten in any
quantity that is the first sign.

I remember one time about 15 years ago  I came home late one night and had
a ham sandwich and followed that with some cookies.   Well,  I thought I
was going to die,  I was up for hours,   I could not lie down and go to
bed.  It got worse if I tried to lie down.  It was actually pounding in my
ears.   So a BIG yes.


I don't know...I get palpitations sometimes when my hormones are shifting.
If you are female (can't tell from your name!), that might be the cause!


I was treated for arrhythemias for about 18 years.  I don't
have them any anymore.  Was it the Celiac or the Porphyria? I
suspect both, but more inclined to blame the Porphyria -- it's
a known cause.  However, I always have a problem with them
whenever my stomach is in distress.  The Cardilogist explained to
me that the nerves that supply the stomach and the heart meet in
the same plexus.  So, if something is irritating the stomach, it
irritates the plexus and therefore irritates the heart muscle.
So, it's conceivable that Celiac (gluten factor) irritating the
stomach might cause a heart irregularity.


yes I had this problem too; my doctor suggested that there might be an
overspill of acid from the stomach (I am not sure I got it right) and she
gave me Prevacid; does the arrhytmia tend to occur together with digestive


Before going gf I had several episodes after eating in restaurants.  I
would feel faint, my heart would race, sweating, vomiting ....DOeas this
sound familiar?


You might want to have your thyroid checked because that is one of the
symtoms of hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease).  Both are autoimmune diseases
and many celiacs have both.


I have CD and no problem w/my heart BUT my son does.  As of yet he has shown
no signs of CD.  This is interesting to me so please post any findings you
get.  Thanks.


Hi Chris--Yes.  Actually, I believe the docs *gave* me my mitral valve
prolapse (trying to "solve" my high blood calcium levels, they gave me
hydrochlorothiazide, which gave me potassium imbalance, which gave me a
prolapse I never had before...  I had to yell and tell them I would not
take their beta blockers OR their hydrochlorothiazide... cardiologist
just looked at me and said "that might help..."  It did.  CS diagnosis
came 13 months later.  I only prolapse now if there's gluten in there
somewhere.  It's undetectable (even to the docs) otherwise.  Thanks for


Dear Chris, I have had palpatations and also arrythmia when I had
hyperthyroidism before I was diagnosed.  I still have them occasionally,
but I think it is due to stress and/or menopause.  Have you had your
thyroid function checked?  Best wishes,


Yes, I had an arrhythmia before my celiac was diagnosed.  The doc said it was
because my potassium was so low.  Since I have kept my potassium normal I have
not any any further problems or arrhythmia.


Yes and did all the tests no heart problem and viola' one year later Celiac
Disease.  After going GF no more heart problems.


My friend has been having problem w/ irregular/racing heartbeats.  She's very
gf. & very strict about her diet.  Seemed to be a problem w/ potassium in her
cause.  She has osterporosis & takes calcium, & didn't find a good reason for
the low potassium.  I suspect they are probably supplementing that, but
wouldn't know how much or w/ what.  Scary.....


an allergy does raise your bp and pulse, so you can notice a fast pulse


That is a very interesting observation, and one I hadn't really considered,
but I did have episodes of palpitations fairly frequently before I went GF
about 2.5 months ago. Now that I think about it, I don't recall any episodes
recently. I will be interested to see what kind of responses you get.


I have those problems but am told they may be 1) anxiety attacks  2)  reaction
to medications 3) thyroid misfunction.  If it is any of  the 3 it can be
treated with medication or adjusting what you are taking.


When my daughter was first found to have CD, she also was diagnosed with
cardiomyopithy. We found out that she had CD when she was 3 now she will be 11
next month. The CD either brought on the heart problem or the heart problem
brought on the CD. The Doctors could not decide one way or the other. But, she
still has both.


Hi, Chris!  I never thought that heart palpitations would have any
association with Celiac.  I have had heart palpitations before, but never
thought of it being linked to a gluten attack or anything having to do with
Celiac.  It had been a while since I had a palpitation event, but I just
recently had one last week and also was having gluten attack symptoms.  I
never figured out what caused the symptoms.  When I have a gluten attack, I
have diarrhea and then the next day or day and a half I am super
exhausted--absolutely no energy.  Since you have mentioned this, I will keep
this in mind if I have another palpitation to see if it occurs with a gluten
attack (although I am trying very hard to stay gluten-free--maybe that
accounts for why I haven't had heart palpitations in a while.)


I have, but was subsequently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism caused by
Graves disease.  That was what caused the arrhythmia.  Since it is also
an autoimmune disorder, you might want to have you physician check your
thyroid level if you haven't already.


Hi - saw your listing and would like to add a word or two.

My wife Patricia was diagnosed with celiac in mid May this year.  She
went on a GF diet immediately after suffered diarrhea around the clock
since January 3rd.   She was doing quite well until a severe gall
bladder attach necessitated gall bladder removal the last of June.
Doctors attributed the gall stones directly to the celiac condition.
Since then, she started experiencing heart palpitations.  She felt that
the chronic diarrhea could have affected the electrolytes in her
system.  About two weeks ago, she started taking potassium gluconate,
550 mg daily (Nature Made) which is supposed to control heart muscle
activity.  It seems to be working although we both know that the
palpitations could be a symptom of a more serious heart condition.

I am 63 and Pat is 60.  She has had celiac symptoms for years but no one
diagnosed it until we found a GI specialist who suspected and confirmed
celiac with biopsy and blood tests.

Thank you and looking forward to your summary.


Hi Chris..re your quest for info on heart arrhythmia....I have this problem
with irregular heart beat. I have found the main cause is that I am
hypoglycemic and am on thyroid medication. Every once in a while I get into
problems with my thyroid acting up and getting strange feelings with my
heart and what I call panic attacks.  Every time this happens and I have my
thyroid checked it is either too high or too low and then it seems to
correct itself.  I also have a prolapsed mitrolvalve in my heart so who
knows what is causing what to happen?  If you need any further info cantact


I have heart arrhythmia but don't knowif it is connected to CD. Are you
conducting research on the topic, if so I would be happy to give youmore
information. Please advise


I noticed you already responded to the group. But in case you're still
taking count. YES I too get heart arrhythmia when I injest gluten. Have
been gf for 14 years.


Add me in as one who had heart arrythmias and palpatations before going
gluten-free. Interestingly, now I seem to have this trouble with rice
and during high environmental allergy times. (Never have it with wheat
now because I wouldn't touch wheat with ten-foot pole.)  As I have
pushed more and more vitamins (specifically B vitamins) seems to be less
of a problem.  I am assuming that it is something missing in our
nutritional status.  I think I am one with permanent intestinal damage
due to undiagnosed CD for 30 or so years.  It is possible that
sublingual vitamins and injected B12 are helping where swallowing
vitamin pills didn't do me much good.

No understanding of doctors of this subject.  Had tons of tests and my
heart has been certified as healthy.  Have found no literature about
heart irregularities being caused by B vitamin deficiencies.

Certainly would be interested in what others had to say about this
subject and if they have had to do anything more than just stop eating
wheat to find relief.


I was surprised to read your original post regarding arrhythmia. I've
been experiencing some heart pounding that seems to come from no where -- I
can be sitting still, or lying in bed, and suddenly it starts. This happens
several times a week. I've only been gf for 5 months, and am still making
mistakes and suffering for several weeks when I do. I'm not sure if I can
relate my food accidents with the pounding. Sometimes it feels like my heart
may jump right out of my chest! This can last for 15 - 30 minutes. Wierd....


You may have started something with your question about heart palpitations.
I had my biopsy six years ago, but have had these palpitations for at
least 30 years.   Recently, I had a three sessions in one week, the last
one lasting for 8 hours.  Saw my doctor and she ordered an echocardiagram,
and a Thalium test.  Haven't got the results yet, but they will probably be
negative like the ones I had 3 years ago after a several severe palpitation

Nobody has ever suggested that Celiac Disease could cause palpitations.  I
would be very interested in any further information that you have.  I am
supposed to see an internest/cardiologist in January.  Look forward to
hearing from you soon.


I only read your most recent message.  I am a new person to this listserv, a
celiac, and I have been having heart "flutters" frequently.  I don't know if
these are the same as palpitations, but I thouht if you were collecting
information on symptoms, I would add my input.


Add my name to those who've experienced palpitations. I never connected it to
celiac. No diagnosis was ever made.


Yes, I have.


I  missed the post that must have had your original query.  I suffer from
tachychardia, and am on betablockers. I ahve had it all my adult life, but
it was lately getting worse instead of better (contrary to usual procedure,
I understand). I am going to have an operation to correct the problem next
year - similar to an angioplasty, but with a "burn" of the offending area of
the heart which lets the arrhythmia occur.  Let me know if you need more


I have had palpitaions, but I am not aware that they are linked to Celiac.
Please summarize if you find out about a link.


Add one more person who has experienced heart irregularities.  I went in
for tests and was told that my heart pattern is "normal."  While it may
be uncomfortable for me it is not supposed to be dangerous.  The Dr.
recommended avoiding caffeine in any form (coffee, tea, soft drinks,
chocolate, etc.) and increase magnesium supplementation.  This has
worked fairly well.  Since too much magnesium contributes to diarrhia
for me, I take Ca-Mg-Zn supplements daily and an additional Mg
supplement if irregularities start up.


Hi Chis. I'm another arrhythmia sufferer--could you send me the summary?


  PLEASE SEND ME YOUR RESPONSES.   I've had arythmethias as a child.
Suspected it the other day after exercising and taking a 20 second heart rate.
Is there some relation to CD?


Well, to add to your list, I have had palpitations for several years
(since quite young), but they were more intense in the last few years.
I was biopsy diagnosed 3 yrs. ago with celiac sprue and was suffering
for two years prior to that.  So I am not certain that the two are
correlated, but they probably are.  I am now on blood pressure
medication and also take a pill to slow down my heart.


Chris DiTrani
AMA, CCS #237, (NE)DoD, etc.
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