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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 15 Sep 1998 20:08:07 -0500
Deni Hansen-Gray Weber <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

We are replying directly to the list because we felt that our
experience with paper drink cartons might be useful to list members.

As background, you should know that my wife deni's response to gluten
has worsened over the years and she is now hypersensitive to gluten.
Trace amounts typically result in convulsions and a run to the ER, the
most recent was via ambulance "running hot."  About three years ago,
before she became this sensitive, she had several bouts of unexplained
diarrhea.  We retreated to a boiled chicken and rice diet and gradually
reintroduced foods until the culprit was found.

We were surprised to discover that orange juice was the cause Further
experimentation revealed that it was <underline>only</underline> juice
packaged in cardboard cartons that caused her diarrhea!  Juice boxes
also produced the same effect. There is apparently gluten and/or some
other allergen in the wax coating that triggered her diarrhea.  A
simple switch to juice in plastic jugs solved the problem for us.

Just a little bit of information that you might be able to add to your
knowledge base.

As always, these are our experiences only, thus no warranty is
expressed or implied, Your mileage may vary.

This list is literally a lifesaver for us!

steve & deni weber

StoP tHE LogGINg oR wE WiLL coNtinUE to kiLL oNe CeLeBritY EacH WeEK.

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                ----ThE tReeS----