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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 08:17:52 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (1679 lines)
For those working on information access issues, particularly education 
access concerns.


Accessibility of Information in Electronic Textbooks For Students Who Are Blind
                             or Visually Impaired
   A Report to the 75th Texas Legislature from the Texas Education Agency
     * Overview
     * History
     * Accessibility of Information
          + What does accessibility mean?
          + The Need for Accessible Electronic Textbooks
          + Which Textbooks Should Be Made Accessible?
          + What must be made accessible?
     * Direct Accessibility Versus Compatibility with Assistive
          + Advantages of Direct or Built-In Accessibility
          + Advantages of Access Via Assistive Technologies
     * Strategies for Making Electronic Textbooks Accessible
          + Variety of Formats And Media
          + General Accessibility Guidelines For Students Who Are Blind
            or Visually Impaired
          + Compatibility Guidelines
     * Accessibility of The Major Components of Electronic Textbooks
          + Text
          + Text Formatting And Hierarchy
          + Graphics
          + Navigational Systems
          + Hyperlinks
          + Expand And Collapse Features
          + Search Features
          + Sound
          + Fixed Sequence Animation And Movies
          + Interactive Animation And Simulations
          + Video Conferencing
          + Virtual Reality Environments
     * Media-specific Strategies
          + Videotapes
          + Videodiscs
          + Multimedia Software
          + On-line Services And The Internet
     * Costs
     * Conclusions
     * Recommendations
     * Appendix A: Texas Task Force on Electronic Textbook Accessibility
          + Agency Textbook Accessibility Project Managers
     * Appendix B: Additional Guidelines for Making Electronic Textbooks
       Accessible to Individuals with a Wide Range of Disabilities
     * Appendix C: Resources
     * Glossary

   This report on the Accessibility of Information in Electronic
   Textbooks for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired was written
   in response to a mandate from the 74th Texas Legislature to conduct a
   study for the purpose of determining ways in which information
   contained in electronic textbooks may be made available to students
   who are blind or visually impaired. The report is based on the
   findings of an agency task force organized for the specific purpose of
   generating ideas and recommendations that reflect the interests of
   several communities including students who are blind or visually
   impaired, textbook publishers, media accessibility researchers,
   software and hardware developers and teachers of the visually
   impaired. Task force members are listed in Appendix A.
   The report discusses the recent changes in the state textbook adoption
   program in Texas, and the move from reliance solely on traditional,
   print-based textbooks with comparable braille, large type or audiotape
   textbook copies provided to students who are blind or visually
   impaired to a wide variety of instructional media. These recently
   available formats include but are not limited to computer software,
   compact disks (CD-ROM), videotapes, interactive videodiscs, and
   instructional materials downloaded from the Internet or the various
   on-line services. These formats are not easily accessible to students
   who are blind or visually impaired in that they require additional
   adaptation beyond the braille, large type and audiotape versions
   currently supplied by the agency.
   The most common components of electronic textbooks which should be
   made accessible to students and teachers who are blind or visually
   impaired are described in the report. The report also summarizes the
   types of information and delivery modes which must be made accessible
   and analyzes how these electronic textbooks can be made accessible to
   blind and visually impaired students as well as to students and
   teachers with other disabilities.
   Specific recommendations are included in the report. These encompass
   design and implementation of demonstration projects to analyze
   potential costs, processes, and timelines for developing accessible
   electronic textbooks; and collaboration with experts in media
   accessibility research, textbook publishers, software and hardware
   developers and educators to develop minimum standards for new
   electronic textbook submissions in Texas.

   In 1989, the 71st Texas Legislature amended the textbook adoption
   process to include electronic media. The expansion of the definition
   of "textbook" to include product configurations that encompassed new
   technology led to the submission of a variety of multimedia
   instructional materials for state adoption. In subsequent years,
   instructional materials were submitted in configurations that ranged
   from teacher components only to more traditional student and teacher
   components, in print or electronic format, or in electronic format
   with supplemental teacher and student material in print format.
   Electronic components in many state-adopted programs include computer
   diskettes, CD-ROM, audio and videocassettes, and laser discs. More
   recently, access to the Internet and on-line providers has expanded
   rapidly as have opportunities to receive educational programming and
   distance learning via satellite.
   The Texas Education Agency has a long history of providing equal
   access to state-adopted instructional materials for students who are
   blind or visually impaired. Since 1955, the agency has worked with
   various organizations to acquire textbooks in braille. With emerging
   technology, the process of acquiring braille evolved from primarily
   manual production to electronic production using publisher-provided
   computer files specifically formatted for more rapid translation into
   braille textbooks.
   In 1991, the 72nd Texas Legislature required publishers of textbooks
   adopted by the State Board of Education to furnish the agency with
   computerized textbook files for the production of braille textbooks.
   The Legislature also mandated formation of a commission to work with
   textbook publishers on developing processes for converting publisher
   textbook files into formats needed for speedy braille production. In
   March 1993, this commission made a series of recommendations for
   revisions to the process of braille textbook production. Subsequently,
   the agency expanded the list of content areas for which textbooks
   could be brailled electronically to include all literary subjects in
   English and other languages. Currently, music and mathematics are
   exempt from this list due to technical complications that arise in
   brailling these subjects. Files supplied by the publishers were
   standardized and the minimum standards for these file formats are
   reviewed regularly to ensure that they are consistent with changes in
   technology and improvements in the brailling process.
   Also in 1991, a videodisc-based program called Windows on Science
   became the first state-adopted electronic textbook in the nation. It
   was followed in 1992 by three electronic programs from as many
   educational publishers in the area of computer literacy, a required,
   full-year course at grade seven or eight in Texas. Each of these three
   programs included computer diskettes for Apple, Macintosh, or MS-DOS
   computers, integrated commercial software, laser discs or videotapes,
   and printed ancillaries. Subsequent electronic programs have been
   adopted in chemistry, Science I and II, world geography, accounting,
   economics, and other subject areas.
   While expanding the range of learning opportunities for students
   capable of using their visual and audio features, electronic textbooks
   present new challenges to educators of students with visual
   impairments or blindness. Articulation of the major challenges and a
   series of recommendations to address them comprise the body of this
Accessibility of Information

  What does accessibility mean?
   Accessibility refers to the freedom or ability of an individual to
   obtain or make full use of a product or environment. A product is
   accessible to an individual only if he or she is able to use it to
   carry out all of the same functions and to achieve the same results as
   individuals with similar skills and training who do not have
  The Need for Accessible Electronic Textbooks
   Consider these common classroom uses of technology:
     * Elementary science students watch a videotape of an experiment
       being performed.
     * Middle school students manipulate commercial software
       applications, which prepares them to use rapidly changing
       technology in the workplace and in the society at large.
     * High schoolers learn about thermodynamics through a full-motion
       video segment recorded on a CD-ROM, then play interactive
       chemistry "games" that score their manipulation of chemical
       equations and formulas to solve real-life problems.
   Now, focus on the students who are blind or visually impaired in these
   same classrooms:
     * A child who is blind cannot see the experiment being performed in
       the elementary science classroom. There are no audible
       descriptions to allow him or her to grasp the step-by-step
       procedures nor to see their results. He or she cannot participate
       in this portion of the instruction.
     * Middle school students who are visually impaired are unable to
       complete the assigned computer activities because the commercial
       software is not compatible with available adaptive devices which
       would permit the student to participate to some degree.
     * High school students who are visually impaired cannot make use of
       the full-motion video unit on thermodynamics because they cannot
       see the information which is presented. Thus, they are excluded
       from acquiring the information presented.
   Each of these hypothetical scenarios demonstrates the need for
   accessible electronic textbooks for all students. Obvious benefits are
   that the students will:
     * Perceive the information for which they could be held accountable.
     * Respond to information in the textbooks and interact with the
       information on a variety of levels.
     * Learn from the information.
   An accessible electronic textbook is one which allows students who
   have disabilities to use the textbook and achieve the same intended
   benefit as students who do not have disabilities. Moreover, they would
   be able to achieve the benefit with approximately the same amount of
   At a minimum, that means that the electronic textbooks should be:
     * Perceivable. That is, the information which is presented in the
       book must be available in a form which can be perceived by the
       student. For example, if the student is blind then all of the
       information which is presented visually in the book should be
       available in another form such as audiotape which the student can
     * Operable and Navigable. That is, students should be able to orient
       themselves and move within the electronic textbook. For example,
       if a student is blind and the electronic textbook uses controls or
       navigation aids which require eye-hand coordination, then an
       alternate means for navigating the control would need to be
       available, such as voice or keyboard control.
     * Functional. That is, the textbook should provide the same function
       or benefit to the individual with a disability as it would to
       other students.
  Which Textbooks Should Be Made Accessible?
   Not all electronic instructional media can or should be made
   accessible to students with visual impairments. However, the decision
   as to whether to make the materials accessible cannot be based on
   technological ease or cost. It should be based on a consideration of
   the intended learning that is to be achieved from the particular
   program, and a determination that the medium will support the same
   instructional goals for students who are blind.
   Textbooks that use graphic depictions and manipulation of the graphics
   to teach concepts may not be appropriate instructional methodology for
   someone without vision. For example, the electronic textbook might
   teach the concept of the piston engine by presenting a visual
   simulation of a model four-stroke engine where the user can manipulate
   the components by using a touchscreen or a mouse to grab the flywheel
   and turn it left and right in order to see how the pistons operate.
   One might think it would be sufficient to associate a tone with the
   position of the piston; as the individual used the arrow keys to
   rotate the flywheel, a rising tone would indicate the rising position
   of the piston. The individual could hear the piston going up until the
   sound of an explosion was heard at the same time that the simulation
   of the spark is given. The individual would then hear the piston tone
   going back down. In a four-cycle engine, they could hear the valves
   opening and the piston going up without an explosion, the exhaust
   valve opening and closing as the intake valve opens. The auditory
   sounds could be accompanied with a simple narration of the events as
   they were happening.
   However, with this type of adaptation, the student who is blind would
   not achieve the same benefit as the other students. For him or her,
   the unintended learning might be that a flywheel is a left/right
   button. The noises would have no meaning unless they were the same as
   those coming from a real piston engine that the student has directly
   touched and manipulated. The student with a visual impairment; as well
   as the student with normal vision; cannot learn the concepts
   associated with a piston engine with noises and verbal descriptions,
   nor would participation in this activity reinforce learning that was
   achieved through other teaching strategies.
   Selection of textbooks to be made accessible and the resulting
   adaptation should be determined for students with visual impairments
   only after careful analysis of the instructional goals of the program
   by experts in the education of students with visual impairments.
  What must be made accessible?
   It is useful to look at the different elements of electronic textbooks
   and to contrast them with the elements of traditional print textbooks,
   which are used as a point of reference.
   The Texas Education Code defines electronic textbook as "computer
   software, interactive videodisc, magnetic media, CD-ROM, computer
   courseware, on-line services, an electronic medium, or other means of
   conveying information to the student or otherwise contributing to the
   learning process through electronic means." (Sec. 31.002 (1)) This
   definition defines only the physical delivery media (e.g., computer
   software, videodisc, and CD-ROM) which are often inaccessible to
   students with visual disabilities. However, if the electronic
   textbooks are not properly designed, it is possible to create
   electronic textbooks which are partially or completely inaccessible
   and unusable by students who are blind or have visual impairments.
   In order to discuss accessibility, it is important to provide a common
   frame of reference. Many of the delivery media have common design and
   formatting elements that must be made accessible. The print textbook
   is an information delivery system with which most people are familiar
   and, therefore, is used as a point of reference in this section.
   A print textbook is made up of the following formatting and design
     * Text. The unformatted words and punctuation that make up the
     * Text Formatting. Text formatting includes all of the attributes of
       characters and words, such as bold, italics, underline, colored
       lettering, or size. These different attributes provide the reader
       with additional information, such as identifying words that are
       new terms or the name of an important person, so that the print
       textbook is not just a random collection of words. The words are
       structured into meaningful units, such as sentences, paragraphs,
       pages, sections, and chapters, as well as tables and lists.
     * Graphics. Graphics include photographs, maps, charts,
       illustrations, and diagrams. These may have text associated with
       them, as with captions, or contain text embedded within the
       graphic itself.
     * Navigation Systems. Print textbooks have methods of finding
       specific information within them, such as a table of contents,
       different levels of heads (chapter, section, subsection), indices,
       and page numbers. These navigation systems help the student find
       specific information (text or graphic) in a print textbook.
   Electronic textbooks are made up of these same formatting and design
   elements as print textbooks-text, text formatting, graphics, and a
   navigation system. These formatting and design elements are enhanced
   because the information is provided electronically.
     * Text. Text in electronic textbooks may be resized, or the font may
       be changed to meet the reader's needs.
     * Text Formatting. In addition to all of the attributes of printed
       textbooks, text formatting in electronic textbooks may include
       hyperlinks which can move the reader to other parts of the page or
       book. A hyperlink is a segment of text (word or phrase), or an
       inline image (an image displayed as part of a document) which
       refers to another document (i.e., text, sound, image or movie)
       elsewhere on the World Wide Web. When a hyperlink is activated or
       selected, the referenced document is fetched from the World Wide
       Web and is displayed appropriately.
     * Graphics. The electronic versions of graphics may allow the image
       to be expanded to fill the entire screen, or sections of the image
       could be expanded to show detail.
     * Navigation System. Electronic textbooks use techniques for finding
       specific information within them, such as navigational maps,
       tables of contents with hyperlinks, heading levels, indices, and
       page numbers. The electronic textbook may also include a "search"
       feature to find a specific word or phrase anywhere in the book.
       These navigation systems help the student find specific
       information (text or graphic) in the electronic textbook.
   Electronic textbooks may also include the following elements, which
   are not typical of print textbooks:
     * Expand and Collapse Features. Electronic textbooks also have the
       ability to expand or collapse their structure. For example, it is
       possible to produce a document which would collapse down to its
       major titles and subtitles. This makes it much easier to see the
       overall structure and to navigate to a particular level in the
       structure. Once that point is reached, it is possible to expand
       the structure exposing all of the paragraphs at that point. It is
       also possible to have a document which provides a cursory
       treatment of all of the material, but which allows the student to
       expand the information presented at any point in the document if
       he or she requires additional information.
     * Search Features. Search features provide users with the ability to
       search documents and to jump immediately to any particular word or
       phrase which is used. This capability also includes a "fuzzy"
       search capability, which allows an individual to search, for
       example, for the word "fish" and automatically find occurrences of
       the word "fish," "fishing," "mackerel," "trout," and "perch."
     * Sound. Electronic textbooks may include sound. Examples of this
       auditory information include warning music, spoken words and
       natural sounds such as a lion's roar.
     * Fixed Sequence Animation and Movies. Electronic textbooks may
       contain moving graphics. These may take the form of a simple
       diagrammatic animation or a full-color, high-resolution, graphic
       movie which may or may not be accompanied by sound.
     * Interactive Animation and Simulations. Electronic textbooks may
       contain visual graphic animation which can be controlled and
       manipulated by the user. In the example presented earlier, it is
       possible to show a four-stroke engine where the student can
       actually turn the flywheel on the engine and by moving it forward
       and backwards at different speeds, study all of the workings of
       the engine, including the timing of the various events and
       mechanisms. More sophisticated simulations even allow students to
       carry out chemistry experiments where beakers, flasks, burners,
       and other apparatuses are manipulated on screen and the chemical
       reactions (e.g., color changes, heating, and explosions) occur on
       screen as they would if the real items had been manipulated.
     * Video Conferencing. Through modern telecommunications, live people
       may be embedded in electronic textbooks. Touching an image in the
       electronic textbook would cause a communication link to be opened
       with a person - the teacher, or perhaps a resource person
       somewhere else in the country. The student would then be able to
       ask questions or interact with that individual. Essentially, a
       video teleconferencing session would be opened between the student
       and the teacher or resource person. In addition to face-to-face
       visual communication, the two individuals could also share a
       "white board" or area of the screen where they can draw, write,
       calculate, or otherwise work together on the same "piece of
       paper." An electronic textbook could be designed so that students
       would contact different people when they were studying different
       topics or were on different pages within the same book.
     * Virtual Reality Environments. An electronic textbook could allow a
       student to don a pair of glasses and headphones and perceive that
       they are in an alternate, virtual environment. Although the
       virtual reality environments look somewhat cartoon-like today in
       their simplicity, it will soon be possible to allow individuals to
       visually and auditorially simulate their location in almost any
       location on earth or any situation imaginable. This would include
       the ability to create three-dimensional simulations of an engine,
       as discussed above, in which the individual could move around and
       even travel as it operated. Individuals could become very large to
       study geography or very small to study biology. They could stand
       in an empty room and see an entire chemistry laboratory in which
       they could move about and carry out any type of experiment without
       the cost or danger of real equipment and rare or toxic chemicals.
Direct Accessibility Versus Compatibility with Assistive Technologies

   In discussing access to electronic textbooks, it is useful to use the
   terminology and approach which has been adopted in the
   Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law 104-104 (1996 Act). This
   Act refers to accessibility as the ability of individuals to directly
   use telecommunication products without requiring special assistive
   devices (i.e., devices designed to meet the needs of individuals with
   disabilities). The Act states that telecommunication products and
   services should be made accessible if this is readily achievable. The
   Act then goes on to state that if it is not readily achievable to make
   products accessible, the telecommunication products and services
   should be compatible with existing peripheral devices or specialized
   equipment commonly used by individuals with disabilities to achieve
   access, if readily achievable.
   Because there is a close parallel between telecommunications software
   and electronic textbooks, parallel terminology is used here as
     * Direct or Built-In Accessibility. The ability to use an electronic
       textbook without the use of separate assistive technologies. In
       essence, for a product to be directly accessible, the needed
       capabilities would have to be built into the product rather than
       relying on add-ons.
     * Compatibility With Assistive Technologies. The ability of an
       electronic textbook to be used in conjunction with standard
       assistive technologies used by people who have disabilities.
   Unlike the Telecommunications Act of 1996, where a clear preference is
   shown for having direct or built-in accessibility for
   telecommunication products and services, it is not as clear at this
   time that direct accessibility for electronic textbooks would always
   be superior to access via assistive technologies. In fact, each
   approach has advantages.
  Advantages of Direct or Built-In Accessibility
     * Cost. Direct accessibility has advantages in cost, availability,
       and inclusiveness. When products are directly accessible to a
       student, schools do not need to deal with the added expense of
       acquiring special assistive devices to access and use the
       electronic textbook. Given the rapid changes in technologies, this
       also means that schools would not need to continuously buy new
       assistive devices as electronic textbooks evolved.
     * Hardware Independence. When accessibility is built in, students do
       not need to worry about whether their assistive technology will
       work with a particular computer. Today, electronic textbooks are
       available in a limited number of formats. However, in the future,
       it is likely that electronic textbooks will be produced in a wide
       variety of hardware and software formats, making it difficult for
       a user to have all of the right assistive devices or adapters.
       Also, students may encounter electronic textbook technologies in
       the library, in laboratories, and in different classrooms, meaning
       they would have to always have their assistive devices with them
       and these devices would have to be compatible with the various
       hardware and software platforms encountered.
     * Inclusiveness. When students with a disability can directly use
       the electronic textbooks and equipment, it is easier for them to
       work side by side with their peers who do not have disabilities.
       Students could use any textbook or textbook viewer/work station at
       which they and their partners sit, rather than having to work at
       specially adapted stations which may not be in the same location
       or which may not be usable or usable at the same time by their
       peers without disabilities.
     * Intuitiveness. When access is built into electronic textbooks, it
       generally provides better and more intuitive learning experiences
       for the student who is blind. Once the textbook has been started,
       all of its functions should be usable without sighted assistance.
       This is particularly important for students who are blind and in
       grades K-5, where mastering the instructional goals of the
       textbooks and learning to use other adaptive devices
       simultaneously would present a much higher cognitive load.
  Advantages of Access Via Assistive Technologies
   Access via assistive technologies has advantages also. These are
   primarily in the areas of possible standardization and power.
     * Possible Standardization. If a single user interface (i.e., the
       parts of a computer program which can be seen or heard by users)
       is designated for access to all electronic textbooks, students
       with disabilities would benefit greatly. All electronic textbooks
       could then present information in a standard format which would be
       compatible with many popular assistive technology devices.
     * Power. At the present time, the most powerful and well-developed
       user interfaces for many disabilities, including blindness, are
       those which have been developed by assistive technology
       manufacturers. Some strategies are very powerful; but it would be
       difficult to build them directly into electronic textbooks. For
       example, use of dynamic braille displays (i.e., computer-driven
       electro-mechanical devices which display braille symbols with
       small prongs, pins or other means and allow the braille to be
       changed as each line of text is presented) or printed braille are
       very powerful access strategies for individuals who know braille.
       However, it is unlikely that it will ever be economically feasible
       to build braille printing capability into standard printers or
       dynamic braille displays into electronic textbooks. Individuals
       with multiple disabilities, such as those with visual and hearing
       impairments, would need to use interfaces.
   For these reasons it is important that both direct accessibility and
   compatibility with assistive devices be considered in the design of
   electronic textbooks wherever it is feasible.
Strategies for Making Electronic Textbooks Accessible

   Electronic textbooks can take many forms. Each has different
   advantages and poses different accessibility opportunities and issues.
   There are, however, some general strategies which apply across most
   electronic textbook formats. The following section describes some
   examples of the various formats of electronic textbooks, general
   accessibility guidelines pertaining to students with visual
   impairments, and issues related to compatibility between common
   assistive devices and electronic textbooks.
  Variety of Formats And Media
   Electronic textbooks may be produced in many different formats. For
   example, it is possible to deliver a standard movie either as a VHS
   videocassette, as a videodisc, in digital form on a new digital
   videodisc (DVD), or as a digital file which is downloaded from the
   Internet. When viewed, the users would have no idea whether they were
   looking at a videotape, a videodisc, or a file downloaded from the
   Internet. Similarly, an interactive textbook might be delivered to the
   school on a DVD disc, on a CD-ROM, or over the Internet or
   Internet-like communications link within a single school district
   (i.e., an intranet).
   Regardless of the format in which an electronic textbook is produced,
   the basic considerations for making it accessible are the same. Some
   of the delivery formats lend themselves to including accessibility
   features more than others.
  General Accessibility Guidelines For Students Who Are Blind or Visually
    1. All important information which is presented visually should also
       be available to the user in both auditory and electronic text
       (e-text). Electronic text is text arranged in a digital form
       readable by computers and capable of being easily rendered as
       braille or enlarged text. The phrase "important information" is
       used to differentiate between visual information which is
       essential to the use of the electronic textbook and visual
       presentations which are merely decorative. It is not necessary nor
       even always desirable to present to the student who is blind all
       of the decorative aspects along with the more essential
       information. It can both slow access to the essential information
       and increase the cognitive load due to the need for the student to
       evaluate and filter the information.
    2. All controls should be operable without vision.
    3. Users should be able to zoom in to view portions of the screen in
       more detail. Where possible, they should also be able to adjust
       the size and type of font.
    4. There should be a way of operating all controls by using commands
       formatted as electronic text.
   Implementation of these general guidelines would also provide access
   advantages to individuals with reading difficulties and other physical
   disabilities. They would also allow a greater flexibility of access
   for all users, including the ability for users to operate devices more
   easily in very noisy environments or in very quiet environments. For
   additional guidelines on making electronic textbooks accessible to
   individuals with a wide range of disabilities, see Appendix B.
  Compatibility Guidelines
   An electronic textbook without built-in accessibility should be
   compatible with common assistive devices and software used by people
   with disabilities. Three types of add-on access solutions are
   available to make electronic textbooks accessible to students who are
   blind or visually impaired. These include screen magnification, speech
   output and braille output.
     * Screen magnification results when special software enlarges a
       selected portion of the presentation to fill the entire screen.
       This software will enlarge text, graphics, and movies.
     * Speech output combines a speech synthesizer and screen review
       software. This software reads text displayed on the computer
       screen and sends it to the synthesizer in an intelligent fashion.
       The students can hear individual characters, lines, words,
       sentences, or paragraphs, as well as punctuation. Screen reading
       software also allows students to explore and navigate the text on
     * Braille output combines screen review software with a dynamic
       braille display. That is, the software converts text on the screen
       into braille characters which are produced almost as quickly as
       the printed characters on the screen.
   Since only approximately ten percent of the people who are legally
   blind know and use braille, it cannot be used as the only way to make
   information accessible. For those who do know braille (and a higher
   proportion of young people who are legally blind know braille), use of
   a dynamic braille display is a very powerful technique which has
   advantages over speech, particularly in dealing with spatially
   formatted information. Therefore, use of a dynamic braille display is
   an important and effective option.
   Although there are a number of assistive technologies available in
   each of the above categories, the effectiveness of these assistive
   technologies in providing access to an electronic textbook is
   dependent upon the design of the electronic textbook. Information
   which is not available in text form, for example, cannot be displayed
   using speech or braille. Software which requires an individual to
   simultaneously monitor two events occurring at opposite edges of the
   screen would be difficult for someone to operate by using screen
   magnification. It is not necessary, however, to limit electronic
   textbooks to purely text presentation in order to make them
   accessible. Strategies exist for making even richly graphical systems
Accessibility of The Major Components of Electronic Textbooks

   This section will look more closely at each of the major components of
   electronic textbooks presented earlier and discuss the implications of
   making each of these accessible.
   There are four basic ways in which text is presented visually in
   electronic textbooks:
   1. Standard Text Draw. The electronic textbook uses the standard text
   writing routines of the computer and its operating system to draw text
   to the screen.
   2. Proprietary Text Draw. The electronic textbook uses a text drawing
   method which is copyrighted by a single company and is available for
   use only by purchasing the software from that company.
   3. Bit-Mapped Image. The electronic textbook is copied to the screen
   as an image.
   4. Animated Text. The text is presented as a moving object or scrolled
   like a marquee. Either standard or proprietary text drawing may be
   used to accomplish this.
   The text may also be presented by speech.
   If built-in access is provided, none of the four above-named
   strategies for writing text to the screen presents a problem. With
   built-in accessibility, the same program which writes the text to the
   screen would provide the information in auditory form. The program can
   provide a parallel presentation of the information in alternate form;
   such as, speech.
   Built-in accessibility should also allow the individual to move about
   in the text by section, paragraph, sentence, and word, as well as
   allowing the words to be spelled.
   Presentation of information in auditory form is usually appropriate
   for individuals who are blind or have low vision but who do not have
   any hearing impairment. For individuals with hearing impairments or
   deafness, however, this form of presentation is a problem, unless the
   information is also available in visual form. For individuals with
   visual and hearing impairments, the information would need to be
   available in electronic form so that it could be presented using
   dynamic braille displays, as described above.
   Electronic textbooks, which use standard text drawing, are compatible
   with standard screen reading software. Care must be taken, however, to
   ensure that the information is written to the screen in such a way
   that the individual can make sense of it using a screen reader which
   typically scans horizontally across the screen. Simple text layout on
   the screen can be very helpful here; side by side paragraphs would not
   Electronic textbooks which use proprietary text drawing, bit-mapped
   imaging, or animated text are not compatible with today's screen
   readers. Electronic textbooks which use these strategies must use
   either built-in accessibility methods or incorporate advanced
   object-oriented strategies which would make the text version of the
   information available to the screen reading software. It should be
   noted that some software packages use display techniques, standard
   text drawing, proprietary text drawing and bit-mapped imaging all
   intermixed when writing information to the screen. One such software
   package reads Postscript Data Files (PDF). PostScript is a popular
   computer language used to drive office printers and many graphics
   programs use PostScript. If the fonts are resident (i.e., ready and
   waiting), it will use the standard routines discussed above. If the
   fonts are not resident, it will use its proprietary screen drawing
   routines to simulate the appearance of the font. At yet other times,
   text from this software package may be drawn to the screen as part of
   a bit-mapped image. This results in accessibility to only part of the
   text and this is not acceptable.
   With regard to screen enlargement software, all of the first three
   methods of writing text to the screen would be compatible. Care must
   be taken, however, in how the information is laid out or dynamically
   changed to ensure that it is comprehensible to someone who is only
   able to view a small portion of the screen at any point in time.
   A useful quick analogy is to think about trying to operate the
   electronic textbook while looking at the screen through a soda straw
   (to simulate the portion of the screen available to a screen reader)
   or through a paper towel core (to simulate a screen magnifier),
   especially when dealing with spatially laid out text or material.
   In addition to providing access to the information from within the
   electronic textbook, it is sometimes possible for publishers to
   provide techniques for extracting information and presenting it as
   separate or companion text files. This text file could then be used in
   conjunction with a word processor and screen reader or voice output
   text file reader.
   An external representation of the text in an electronic textbook could
   be achieved in two ways:
   1. From the publisher. The publisher of the electronic textbook could
   provide an alternate form of the electronic textbook as an ASCII
   (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) or other
   accessible text file.
   2. Extraction. A special tool could be provided by the publisher of
   the electronic textbook or a third party that would allow users to
   extract the information from the electronic textbook and store it as
   an ASCII or other accessible text file.
   This approach is a viable approach for simple, static electronic
   textbooks which are composed primarily of text and which have stored
   in the electronic textbook a text version of any graphically or
   auditorially presented information. When such an extraction tool is
   used, it is important that all of the information which is conveyed in
   layout and formatting (e.g., bold, italic, and titles) be preserved,
   along with navigational aids (table of contents, indices, page
   references, and hyperlinks).
   This strategy does not work for documents which have information
   presented in graphic or auditory form where an alternate text version
   of the information is not embedded in the document.
   Additionally, this strategy works only for documents which are linear
   in nature (e.g., like a book or novel). For example, it does not work
   on material where the user can take any one of a large number of paths
   through the material.
   Moreover, this strategy also does not work for materials which are in
   any way interactive.
  Text Formatting And Hierarchy
   Access to text formatting and hierarchy is important because it
   provides information about the structure of the information and to
   additional layers of information such as emphasis and key words. Text
   formats identify relationships between one text element and another
   (as in a definition), highlight key words, identify a sequence of
   presentation (as in a table of contents or headings in a chapter),
   provide information about the hierarchy of information (as with
   paragraph indentation) and provide other secondary levels of
   information to the reader. Making information about text formatting
   and text hierarchy available can be done in several ways, including:
     * Verbal tags: For example, "begin bold," "end bold," "Level 1
       title," and "Chapter header," which are embedded in the text
       and/or spoken when the formatting is encountered in the text.
     * Some type of tonal cues could be provided when various formatting
       occurs. This could take the form of beeps or tones immediately
       preceding the words.
     * Background noise which is played while the specially formatted
       text is being presented or read.
     * Change in intonation or voice: for example, italicized words could
       be spoken with a different voice or at a different pitch or at a
       different volume.
   Of these approaches, only the verbal tag approach would work with
   information which is exported to a dynamic braille display. For spoken
   output, the other approaches may be less disruptive, but will become
   more effective as techniques which relate specific auditory cues to
   specific text formatting features are developed.
   As discussed under Text, systems with built-in accessibility have the
   advantage in that they are aware of any special formatting which is
   built into the text being presented and can take measures to present
   this information. Systems which are relying on external assistive
   technologies for providing access to the formatting information must
   use the standard system tools for formatting text so that they will be
   compatible with the screen readers. Some types of formatting and text
   hierarchy, however, may be difficult to present in a fashion that
   screen readers would be able to use or recognize and convey.
   Graphic information within electronic textbooks falls into three
   general categories:
   1. Information which is purely decorative and does not convey any
   particular information.
   2. Information which is presented graphically but which is also
   presented in text form.
   3. Information which is presented only in graphic form.
   The challenges in making electronic textbook graphics accessible are:
   1. Differentiating between important and decorative information.
   2. Indicating the presence of information presented graphically.
   3. Where appropriate, providing descriptions of the graphic images.
   4. Where appropriate, providing alternate presentation of any
   important information which is presented graphically via description,
   tactile, or other appropriate means.
   Text descriptions of graphic information may be either presented in
   parallel with the graphics for all users to see, or hidden in such a
   manner that it can be called up on request. Increasingly,
   accessibility researchers are finding that when information is hidden
   and available to be called up on request, it is requested by many
   users who are not blind. This feature adds to the comprehension of the
   graphic information by individuals with perfect vision.
   There is great value in the redundant presentation (i.e., the
   repetitive display of the information in multiple formats, such as
   audio, closed captioning, descriptive video, braille and enlarged
   type) of information. For individuals who are blind or have visual
   impairments, it is often desirable to have supplemental methods or
   materials available in addition to any verbal descriptions to help in
   the presentation and interpretation of graphic information. Tactile
   models, raised line drawings, braille and audio tracks help provide
   orientation and information that enhance comprehension of graphic
  Navigational Systems
   In order to move about effectively within an electronic textbook,
   students must be able to independently and efficiently operate and
   navigate the textbook. Electronic textbooks use many methods to convey
   the structure of the content, such as simple outlines, expanding
   outlines, tab folders, and image maps. Electronic textbooks also draw
   upon a variety of methods to allow users to navigate the contents.
   These include menus, sub-menus, buttons, tab folders, outlines, scroll
   bars, icons, graphics, hyperlinks, and search functions. It is
   important for the student who is blind or visually impaired to
   understand what is contained within the textbook, how the textbook is
   organized, and what navigation options are available.
   In general, these navigation methods can be made accessible to
   individuals with visual impairments. Some methods for achieving this
     * Ensuring that all navigation can be accomplished through the use
       of a keyboard, speech or electronic text rather than by using a
     * Providing a capability for collapsing a document down to its major
       titles or components along with some indication of the size of the
       material beneath each title or in each component.
     * Providing a capability for presenting information which is
       distributed around the screen in a linear fashion whenever
   There is nothing inherently inaccessible about hyperlinks. The two
   major problems faced are (a) identifying when something is a link, and
   (b) having some idea of the context when one gets to the other end of
   the hyperjump. Hyperlinks are generally indicated through text
   formatting (e.g., the text is a different color or the text is
   underlined or italicized). If all of the formatting information is
   available to the user, the existence and location of hyperlinks is
   generally available as well. When an individual has executed a
   hyperlink jump, some type of a verbal announcement that a jump has
   taken place is useful as a cue to the individual that the "world
   around their soda straw view" has changed, so that they look around
   and reorient themselves to the place to which they have jumped.
  Expand And Collapse Features
   In some cases, expand and collapse features may already be accessible.
   Problems arise, however, depending on how they are implemented in a
   given system. All expand and collapse features should be executable
   from the keyboard with speech or electronic text. All non-text visual
   cues that are provided in conjunction with the expand and collapse
   features should be available via built-in accessibility or revealed to
   the screen reader.
   A subset of the expand and collapse feature would be a zoom feature.
   Such a feature allows individuals who are sighted to get a bird's-eye
   view of the general layout of the document or landscape. They can then
   zoom in for detail. The equivalent for those who cannot see would be
   the ability to provide an image which they could feel tactually. In
   addition, auditory cues could be provided to indicate white space,
   text and numbers. This would allow them to get a sense for the global
   layout of the page in the same way as a sighted individual.
  Search Features
   In addition to the ability to search for words or phrases, it is also
   very useful to search for character formatting or for structural items
   in the document. For example, the ability to search for the next title
   is very helpful for stepping through a document. If structure
   information is not available, the ability to search for the next bold
   or underlined text can be useful.
   As with graphics, audio information in an electronic textbook can
   convey important information, or it can be purely supplemental or
   decorative. For individuals who have visual impairments and perfect
   hearing, presentation of audio information presents no barriers. If
   the individual has a visual and hearing impairment, then any
   information which is presented auditorially would need to be available
   in amplified form or, if they had severe hearing impairments or
   deafness, in electronic form so that it could be presented via
   braille. The pace at which the auditory information is presented
   should be controllable to allow for different levels of comprehension.
   For example, it should be possible to speedup, slowdown, terminate,
   pause or replay speech.
  Fixed Sequence Animation And Movies
   Electronic textbooks may contain full-motion video in color or black
   and white, with or without sound. The audio portions of the movies
   would be accessible to students who have low vision or blindness;
   however, the students may have limited or no information regarding the
   visual information which is displayed on the screen. In order to make
   animation and movies accessible, the electronic textbook should
     * Audio descriptions of the visual contents.
     * The ability to turn the descriptions on and off at will.
     * The ability to back up and replay some or all of the information.
     * An electronic text version of the audio caption for individuals
       with visual and hearing impairments.
   For some electronic textbooks, it may be helpful to include
   supplemental materials such as tactile models, raised line drawings,
   braille or audio material which can provide orientation and
   information which would assist students who are blind or visually
   impaired to understand the graphic information or auditory
  Interactive Animation And Simulations
   This is one of the more difficult areas. Often, simulations where the
   user can manipulate the components rely on eye-hand coordination. An
   example of this is the model four-stroke engine described earlier in
   this document. In that example, the user could use a touchscreen or a
   mouse to grab the flywheel and turn it left and right in order to see
   how the pistons operate. Two strategies that can be used to make these
   systems accessible are:
   1. Allowing all of the manipulations on the screen to be accomplished
   from the keyboard. This would also be useful for individuals with
   physical disabilities.
   2. Providing auditory cueing of the status or change in status of the
   various components. Such auditory enhancement of the visual picture is
   usually beneficial to students with low vision as well as all
   students, including those without disabilities.
   Caution must be used when designing modifications of interactive
   animation and simulations to ensure that the result does in fact
   provide the same quality of information to the student who is blind as
   it does to other students. In the example of the piston engine, the
   purpose of the program was to teach a child a specific concept. Even
   with the adaptations, the student who is blind would not have
   sufficient access to the information on the screen to learn that
   Other programs could be modified successfully. For example, a program
   might provide an animated story which periodically stops until the
   child responds to specific directions or answers questions by using
   the mouse or touchscreen. If there were a verbal (sound or tactual)
   narration of the story, and the student responses could be provided
   through the keyboard, then the child who is blind would have adequate
   accessibility to the content and could achieve the same results as
   other students.
   Another opportunity for successful adaptation is the example where
   simulations allow students to carry out chemistry experiments. The
   beakers, flasks, burners, and other apparatuses are manipulated on
   screen and the chemical reactions (e.g., color changes, heating, and
   explosions) occur on screen as they would if the real items had been
   manipulated. If the interaction of the chemistry equipment can be
   manipulated through the keyboard, and the results of the manipulations
   are manifested by appropriate sound and descriptive narrative, the
   student would have information similar to that which is available in
   the chemistry lab.
  Video Conferencing
   Video conferencing is again inherently no less accessible than
   face-to-face communication. It is up to the individual communicating
   with the individual who is blind or who has low vision to make sure
   that information is not presented visually as a part of their
   Where white boards or shared areas of the screen are used for drawing,
   writing, or otherwise working together, it is important that the white
   board area be implemented in such a way that it has either built-in
   voicing or works in conjunction with the screen reader for textual
   information. It should also be possible to print out the contents of
   the white board so that it could be converted into a raised line
   drawing using special adaptive equipment.
   Controls for the video conference should be completely operable
   without vision. Providing keyboard access to all of the video
   conferencing controls is the easiest and most reliable way to achieve
  Virtual Reality Environments
   Virtual reality environments can be divided into two general
   categories as follows:
   The first is where the individual is experiencing a visual immersion.
   One example is a virtual reality environment that is used to allow an
   individual to walk through an art gallery. The second is the use of
   virtual reality as a metaphor for something which is not inherently
   visual. For example, there are a number of virtual reality tools being
   used to navigate databases and knowledge bases.
   In the first case, the virtual reality simply represents another way
   of presenting information to which the individual who is blind did not
   previously have access. By making it electronic, it is possible that
   some additional access may be provided through the use of techniques
   and technologies for image enhancement and edge identification. These
   could be used in conjunction with tactile printers (e.g., braille
   printers) and raised-line drawings.
   In the second case, it is important for any visualization tools which
   are created to navigate around in information space to be constructed
   in such a way that the nonvisual (e.g., verbal/textual) interface is
   preserved for those individuals who cannot use the visualization
Media-specific Strategies

   The most common form of classroom videotape is 1/2" VHS. For
   classrooms that include students who are blind or visually impaired,
   videotapes with verbal descriptions of the visual information are
   needed. Since there currently is no technical way to hide or embed
   these verbal descriptions in the videotape and turn them on when
   needed, as is possible with captions, the verbal descriptions would
   need to be a part of the standard audio track on the tape. These
   verbal descriptions take the form of narration which is added between
   the normal audio information on the videotape. These added narrations
   describe what is occurring visually on the screen.
   One approach for providing verbal descriptions on a videotape would be
   to have two versions of the tape; one with the verbal descriptions and
   one without the verbal descriptions.
   A second strategy would be to record descriptive video and sound
   information on one track and sound information only on the second
   track. Users could then select either the left or right channel to get
   the material with or without the verbal descriptions. Individuals
   would be able to turn the audio descriptions on or off as desired.
   Neither of these techniques is optimal, but both do work within the
   constraints of current videotape technology.
   When produced in a non-interactive manner, videodiscs can be treated
   much the same as videotapes, with one important difference. Videodiscs
   have the capacity to include an additional sound track for
   descriptions. As a result, both stereo channels can be used for the
   regular audio, with the verbal descriptions on yet another channel
   which can be turned on and off as needed by the students.
   For disks that are produced with a higher degree of interactivity, and
   which may be attached to and controlled by a computer, not only do the
   moving images on the disk need to be described, but the visuals and
   text on the computer screen need description and translation into
   digitized speech, braille display, or enlarged type. Although this may
   sound very difficult, when taken one element at a time, access to many
   types of interactive videodiscs is possible. The guidance for such
   access can be taken from the means for making standard linear video
   accessible and for making multimedia software accessible. In general,
   this type of accessibility also has benefits for individuals without
   visual impairments.
  Multimedia Software
   The same principles which apply to videotapes and videodiscs apply to
   multimedia software. By its very nature, multimedia software allows
   even more flexibility than videodiscs in terms of the opportunity for
   multiple channels of video and audio information, all of which can be
   turned on and off at the user's discretion. In most cases, however,
   accessibility to multimedia software must be built in. The capability
   of external agents such as screen readers to track and interpret what
   is happening in a multimedia environment is very limited. Both
   digitized audio, digitally recorded human voice, or synthesized audio
   computer-generated voices, can be used to describe essential visual
   elements to students who are blind or visually impaired. As discussed
   previously, the ability to access and use the system without eye-hand
   coordination is very important. Keyboard control of the program is an
   excellent strategy here. In addition, the use of supplemental
   materials such as braille, raised line drawings, or audio information
   can be very effective.
  On-line Services And The Internet
   It is becoming increasingly clear that in the near future, classroom
   instruction may be enhanced through the Internet, in particular
   through educational World Wide Web sites. There are form and content
   challenges inherent in such delivery. Fundamentally, however, the
   Internet simply represents a different way of delivering information
   and programs into the hands of the student and teacher. It allows for
   collaboration among parties who are widely dispersed. All of the same
   issues and all of the same solution strategies that were discussed for
   multimedia software apply here.
   Today, the Internet uses very nicely structured Hypertext Mark-up
   Language (HTML) files which provide fairly accessible and structured
   information formats. However, current trends are moving away from this
   type of structured information and back into the wide variety of
   formats which exist in printed documents and complex multimedia video

   Some media accessibility experts estimate that publisher investment
   required to develop and market accessible electronic textbooks could
   result in the unit prices of initially adopted accessible electronic
   textbooks being 25 to 35% higher than the unit prices of currently
   adopted electronic textbooks. However, after publishers have learned
   how to develop accessible electronic textbooks, the costs of
   individual units are estimated to be only 3 to 5% higher than the
   costs of electronic textbooks which are not accessible.
   It should be emphasized that these are estimates only and that costs
   of producing and using electronic textbooks are factors to be studied
   and analyzed further.

   Much of the knowledge and technology needed to expand the
   accessibility of electronic textbooks for students who are blind or
   visually impaired exists already. For example, speech input/output and
   tactile input/output devices as well as special software which can
   enhance the accessibility of electronic textbooks are commercially
   available today even though they are often very costly. However,
   ensuring that most currently-adopted electronic textbooks and those
   likely to be adopted in the future are made accessible to students in
   the most logical and cost-effective manner will require further
   detailed analysis and planning. Perhaps most importantly, it will
   require collaboration among several communities including textbook
   publishers, media accessibility researchers, software and hardware
   developers, teachers of the visually impaired, consumer advocates,
   Internet and on-line service providers and state government. Only with
   this level of collaboration can accessibility be provided in the most
   logical and cost-effective manner.
   Future efforts to expand accessibility must address the need for
   standards and development guidelines that facilitate access in newly
   developed electronic textbooks. Specifications for new programs must
   also include features that allow for redundancy in the presentation of
   their materials.
   Providing accessible electronic textbooks to schools could have
   benefits for students with other disabilities as well as for students
   with no obvious disabilities. For example, electronic textbooks could
   be designed in a flexible manner to accommodate the varied learning
   needs of students who are blind and hearing impaired.
     * On-screen text that is spoken not only helps visually impaired,
       reading disabled, dyslexic, and other students with disabilities,
       but also students who learn better by receiving multimodal input
       rather than by relying on one sense.
     * Printed text that is spoken impacts two sensesûauditory and
       visual. Many studies have shown that multisensory impact enhances
       comprehension for all students.
     * Visually presented materials that are closed-captioned or which
       have descriptive audio tracks also provide multisensory input,
       enhancing comprehension. Captioning also provides students with
       the ability to search and find audio text with a computerized
       search engine.
   When that flexibility is designed into the textbook itself, learning
   activities can be customizedùnot just for students with disabilities,
   but for all students. Thus, the learning benefits accrue not just to
   those who most urgently need these accommodations but to mainstream
   learners as well.

   I. The Legislature should authorize the agency to establish up to
   three demonstration projects to investigate the feasibility and
   cost-effectiveness of developing accessible electronic textbooks in
   the priority shown:
   A. First Priority:
   1. A directly accessible CD-ROM textbook which could be used without
   assistive technology by students who are blind or who have visual or
   other disabilities.
   2. Educational materials on the World Wide Web, the Internet, or other
   on-line services which are fully accessible to students who are blind
   or who have visual or other disabilities.
   B. Second Priority: A CD-ROM textbook which could be used along with
   assistive technology to provide important information to students who
   are blind or who have visual or other disabilities.
   II. The Legislature should authorize the agency to establish a
   consortium of textbook publishers, media accessibility researchers,
   consumer advocates, software and hardware developers, Internet and
   on-line service providers, educators, community members and
   representatives of the Texas Education Agency to:
   A. Review the progress of the demonstration projects and provide
   feedback to the Agency. Upon completion of the demonstration projects,
   the consortium would make recommendations to the Agency on how to
   expand the availability of accessible electronic textbooks in future
   textbook adoptions.
   B. Study the need for standards for the selection, modification and
   development of electronic textbooks to make them accessible to
   students with visual impairment or blindness.
   C. Make specific recommendations on standards if needed.
   Demonstration projects would enable the Agency to document, monitor,
   and analyze the various stages of production prior to making
   recommendations for publisher, agency or legislative action. Several
   variables and unknowns exist, including the time frame needed to
   provide the redundancy and accessibility features described in this
   report and the development and production costs required to develop
   these features. A study of the extent to which accessible electronic
   textbooks would actually be used could be part of a cost benefit
   Demonstration projects could provide the agency with an assessment of
   procedures, adaptations, costs, and benefits associated with producing
   electronic textbooks accessible to students with visual impairment or
Appendix A: Texas Task Force on Electronic Textbook Accessibility

   Joanne Miller Rodriguez
   Task Force Chairperson
   President, Pinnacle Education Associates, Inc.
   Grapevine, Texas
   Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Ph.D.
   Director, Trace Research and Development Center, and Professor, Human
   Factors, Industrial Engineering
   University of Wisconsin
   Madison, Wisconsin
   James W. Thatcher, Ph.D., Manager, Interaction Technology
   IBM Research
   Austin, Texas
   Christy Shepard
   Teacher of the Visually Impaired
   Cypress-Fairbanks ISD
   Houston, Texas
   Anne Schreiber, Director of Technology for the Reading/Language Arts
   Scholastic Publishing, Inc.
   New York, New York
   Anne Meyer, Ph.D., Co-Executive Director
   Center for Applied Special Technology
   Peabody, Massachusetts
   Richard Leffingwell, Group Vice-President of Program Development
   Optical Data Corporation,
   Warren, New Jersey
   Larry Goldberg, Director
   National Center for Accessible Media
   Corporation for Public Broadcasting and Public Broadcaster WGBH
   Boston, Massachusetts
   George Kerscher, Research Fellow
   Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
   Missoula, Montana
   Deborah Kaplan, Vice-President of West Coast Operations
   Issue Dynamics, Inc.
   San Francisco, California
   Nolan Crabb, Consumer Advocate
   American Council of the Blind
   Washington, DC
   Curtis Chong, Consumer Advocate
   National Federation of the Blind
   Minneapolis, Minnesota
   Karen Billings, Ph.D., K-12 Marketing Manager
   Microsoft Corporation
   Redmond, Washington
   James Allan, Ph.D., Teacher of the Visually Impaired
   Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
   Austin, Texas
  Agency Textbook Accessibility Project Managers:
   Robert Leos, Ph.D., Senior Director
   Textbook Administration Division
   Charles E. Mayo, Director
   Textbooks for the Visually Impaired Program
Appendix B: Additional Guidelines for Making Electronic Textbooks Accessible to
Individuals with a Wide Range of Disabilities

   1. All important information which is presented auditorially should
   also be available in visual form.
   2. All speech output should be presented redundantly as text or in the
   form of captions.
   3. Important emphasis delivered auditorially must be captured and
   presented either as a part of the text caption or through visual
   4. All other auditory signals, including natural sounds from the
   electronic textbook which are important to its operation, must be
   provided in a visual form.
   5. Electronic textbooks should have the capability for increasing or
   reducing the speed of presentation, or pausing the presentation, to
   allow for different levels of comprehension.
   6. For movies, a transcript of spoken information and an indication of
   environmental sounds should be provided.
   7. Additionally, movies should contain a sign language track which
   could be implemented through modern electronic movie formats such as
   QuickTime, which feature multiple video tracks.
   Source: Texas Task Force on Electronic Textbook Accessibility
Appendix C: Resources

   Vanderheiden, Gregg (1992). Making software more accessible for people
   with disabilities: A white paper on the design of software application
   programs to increase their accessibility for people with disabilities.
   Trace Research and Development Center
   University of Wisconsin
   Waisman Center
   1500 Highland Avenue
   Madison, Wisconsin 53705-2280
   Mazaik, Cheryl (1993). Guidelines for Producing Accessible Multimedia
   for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students.
   WGBH Educational Foundation
   124 Western Avenue
   Boston, Massachusetts 02134
   For general information on the federal regulations regarding computer
   accessibility, contact:
   Clearinghouse On Computer Accommodation (COCA)
   General Services Administration
   18th and F Streets NW, Room 2022, KGDO
   Washington, DC 20405
   For information on efforts of other applications software companies
   working on accessibility issues, contact:
   Information Technology Foundation
   (formerly ADAPSO)
   1616 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1300
   Arlington, Virginia 22209-9998
   703-522-5055 (voice)
   703-525-2279 (fax)
   For assistance in translating and formatting documentation into
   accessible ASCII text files, contact:
   George Kerscher, Director
   R&D Division
   Recording for the Blind
   PO Box 7068
   Missoula, Montana 59802
   For information on "Bobby," CAST's free web disability access test
   page, contact:
   Chuck Hitchcock
   Director, Universal Design Lab
   Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
   39 Cross Street
   Peabody, Massachusetts 01960
   508-531-8555 (voice)
   508-531-0192 (fax)
   508-538-3310 (TTY)
   For information on resource centers for special needs students and
   teachers, contact:
   Alliance for Technology Access
   Jackie Brand
   2175 E. Francisco Blvd., Suite L
   San Rafael, California 94901
   For information regarding AccessDos and Access Pack for Microsoft
   Windows, call:
   Microsoft Product Support 206-637-7098 (voice),
   206-635-4948 (TDD), or download from gEnie,
   CompuServe, Microsoft Online, other bulletin boards, and the Internet
   For additional information on accessibility issues, contact:
   Television Station WGBH
   Descriptive Video Service
   Caption Center
   The CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media
   Trace Research and Development Center
   Designing an Accessible World
   Universal DesignùPrincipals and Guidelines
   Microsoft Corporation
   Microsoft Accessibility Information
   Microsoft Support of Increased Accessibility White Paper, August 1995

   Applications Program: Any computer program that enables the user to
          accomplish some task, but not a task relevant only to the
          computer's operation. For instance, a word processing program
          would be an applications program because it enables the user to
          create, edit and print text.
   ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): A
   standardized system which assigns letters, numbers, and various other
   characters each their own code. This allows information to be
   transferred successfully from one computer to another via various
   Assistive Technology Device: Any item, piece of equipment, or product
   system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or
   customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional
   capabilities of individuals with disabilities.
   Bit Map: A set of numerical values specifying the colors of pixels on
   an output device.
   Braille: A system of writing and reading used by individuals who are
   blind. This system is based on characters made up of raised dots.
   Browser: Also called a Web Browser. A program that enables you to
   explore the World Wide Web.
   CD-ROM (Compact Disk--Read Only Memory): A form of storage like a
   floppy disk except that it is usually permanent (read only) and has a
   high storage capacity (typically 650 megabytes). A CD-ROM disk looks
   like an ordinary stereo CD, however, a CD-ROM is used to store
   computer data rather than music.
   Device: Any identifiable subsystem of a computer. Identifiable to the
   computer. Drives, video circuitry, printers, the keyboard, the mouse,
   and ports are devices.
   Digital: Operating in discrete units or steps. Not continuous. Since
   microcomputers operate using discrete voltages and timing pulses, they
   are said to be digital. Usually contrasted with analog.
   DVD (Digital Videodisc): A hardware technology designed to replace
   audio and information CDs, laserdiscs, and even videotapes. Each DVD
   can hold the equivalent of seven times a regular CD (more than 120
   minutes of video).
   Dynamic Braille Display: A computerized electro-mechanical device
   which displays braille using pins or other means that permit the
   braille to be changed as each line is read. An electronic code sent to
   the system raises and lowers the pins to form braille characters which
   the user can sense by placing the fingers on top of the display. When
   the display is full, the first cell recomposes itself and the display
   fills up again.
   Electronic Mail (E-Mail): A system whereby a computer user can
   exchange messages with other computer users (or groups of users) via a
   communications network. Electronic mail is one of the most popular
   features of the Internet.
   Electronic Text: Textual information stored in a digital form that can
   be presented on a computer screen. Normally this can also be presented
   in braille or as enlarged characters on a computer screen.
   GUI (Graphical User Interface): A way for humans to communicate with a
   computer that typically uses graphics mode instead of character mode.
   Usually involves the use of a mouse.
   Hardware: Any component of an electronic system which is tangible
   (e.g., a computer, a monitor, a disk drive, or a printer). This
   category contrasts with software, which describes those components
   which consist only of electronic signals (e.g., programs, text files,
   and other quantities of information that can be stored on a disk or in
   a computer's memory).
   Homepage: The first page you see when you activate a Web browser.
   Hypertext: A collection of graphical and textual data organized in
   such a way as to facilitate easy access to all of the information it
   contains. Hypertext may be thought of as a precursor to multimedia, or
   simply as an extension of it.
   Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): The language used to create pages
   for the World Wide Web. Computer commands enable users to specify
   different fonts, graphics, hypertext links and more.
   Internet: The name given to a large network of computers that are
   connected by high-speed information or data lines. The Internet also
   refers to the different services you can use on the Internet. Some of
   these activities include electronic mail and the World Wide Web.
   Java: Java is a computer programming language. It has gained a lot of
   popularity because of its cross-computer support. That is, Java
   programs written for one computer operating system will also work on
   other computer operating systems, which saves the programmer from
   having to re-write the program to get it to work on several types of
   Modem: Short for modulator-demodulator. A device that enables a
   computer to communicate with other computers over telephone lines.
   Multimedia: Combining static media (such as text and pictures) with
   dynamic media (such as sound, video, and animation) on the same
   Object-Oriented: Generally used to describe an illustration or font
   file as being created by mathematical equations.
   On-Line Service: A commercial service that provides capabilities such
   as e-mail, discussion forums, technical support, software libraries,
   news, weather reports, stock prices, plane reservations or electronic
   shopping malls. To access one, you need a modem.
   Operating System: The program that allows the various parts of a
   computer system to "talk" to each other. The operating system is
   usually the first thing "loaded" after a computer is turned on, as
   most other programs require it in order to run.
   Optical Character Reader (OCR): A device which can optically analyze a
   printed text, recognize the letters or other characters, and store
   this information as a computer text file. OCRs are usually limited to
   recognizing the styles and sizes of type for which they are
   Platform: Specific computer hardware, as in the phrase
   PostScript: A computer language for describing a printed page commonly
   used to drive office printers. Many fonts, graphics programs, screen
   drivers, and printer drivers use PostScript.
   QuickTime (QTM): A method of storing audio and motion picture video
   information on an Apple Macintosh computer. It is used to record and
   play back multimedia information and store the data on magnetic or
   optical media. QuickTime is also a collection of tools which allows
   movies to be modified (edit, cut, copy, and paste) just as a word
   processor is capable of modifying ordinary text.
   Screen Reader: A program which speaks the contents of the computer's
   screen via a speech synthesizer. Such a program is usually also
   equipped with a system that allows the user to "navigate," or find his
   or her way around the screen, without the necessity of seeing the
   Search Engine: A program on a remote machine that allows keyword
   searches on the Internet.
   Software: The part of a computer system which is not tangible; that
   is, the programs of information that are processed by a computer or
   stored in memory. Commercially available software is usually sold in
   the form of a program or programs stored on a disk.
   Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML): A system for describing
   structural divisions in text (i.e., title-page, chapter, scene, and
   stanza), typographical elements (changes in typeface, and special
   characters), and other textual features (grammatical structure,
   location of illustrations, and variant forms).
   Tags: Formatting codes used in the Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML)
   documents. These tags indicate how the parts of a document will appear
   when displayed by a Web client program.
   URL (Uniform Resource Locator): A code which provides the exact
   location of a resource on the internet, and describes the type of
   User Interface: The aspects of a computer system or program which can
   be seen (or heard or otherwise perceived) by the human user.
   VHS: Video recording format and medium in wide use in conjunction with
   television technology, offering horizontal resolution of 240 lines.
   Not considered broadcast quality.
   Web Browser: A program which enables an individual to explore the
   World Wide Web.
   Word Processor: A type of applications software that is used to enter,
   edit, manipulate, and format text. In order to be considered a word
   processing program rather than a simple text entry and editing
   program, a program should have fairly sophisticated capabilities.
   World Wide Web (WWW) or W3: A graphics-rich hypermedia document
   presentation system that can be accessed over the Internet using
   software called a Web browser.