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"Gregory J. Rosmaita" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Gregory J. Rosmaita
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 23:13:25 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (58 lines)
Aloha, Y'all!

Just a brief reminder that VICUG NYC's next General Membership Meeting
will be held in the Auditorium of The Associated Blind (TAB) building on
Tuesday, November Tenth, from 6 to 7:30pm. The November 10th meeting will
feature a presentation entitled "Getting Online: The Very Basics" which
will describe what the internet is, how blind and visually impaired
individuals use it, why you should be online, and how a blind/VI
individual can get online. The focus will be on the basics, so if you have
been waiting to learn how to get online and what to do once you get there,
you shouldn't miss the November Tenth meeting! If you are an experienced
cybernaut who has blind or visually impaired friends, relatives, or
co-workers in the New York City metropolitan area, please let them know
about the November Tenth meeting. And remember:  anyone and everyone is
encouraged to attend--even (or, rather, especially) if you have never
attended a VICUG NYC meeting!

And, just in case you missed my last announcement, congratulations are
due to the newly-elected members of the Executive Committee, and to VICUG
NYC, for surviving its first constitutional crisis. And hearty and
heartfelt thanks to all of the members-in-good-standing who attended the
October meeting!

Here is the current composition of the Executive Committee:

     President/WebMaster/MoP: Gregory J. Rosmaita
     Vice-President: Vita Zavoli
     Secretary: Jay Leventhal
     Treasurer: Ruth-Ellen Simmonds
     Members-at-Large: David Brandt, Mike Mandel, & Janina Sajka

Thanks are also due to Elizabeth Aldworth, for continuing to co-ordinate
VICUG-NYC's membership rolls.

And, for further reference, I should note, that:  VICUG NYC meets on the
second Tuesday of every month in the Auditorium of the The Associated
Blind building, which is located at 135 West Twenty-third Street, between
Sixth and Seventh Avenues, in New York City. If you have any questions
about subway lines and bus stops in the vicinity of the TAB building,
please either consult the detailed directions located at:

or call (212) 255-1122. For more information about VICUG NYC and its
activities, please call the VICUG NYC Hotline at (212) 539-3514.

Jack-of-Too-Many-Trades, Master-of-Too-Many-Sites.
President, WebMaster, & Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC
email: <[log in to unmask]>

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