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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Fri, 20 May 2005 03:56:10 -0400
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*               Today in Black History - May 20         *

1746 - Francois-Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture is born into slavery in
        Haiti.  He will lead the revolution in his country against French
        and English forces to free the slaves.  Although he will nominally
        rule in the name of France, he will in actuality become political
        and military dictator of the country.  His success in freeing the
        slaves in Haiti caused his name to become the biggest influence in
        the slave cabins of the Americas.  His name will be whispered in
        Brazil, in the Caribbean, and the United States.

1868 - The Republican National Convention, meeting in Chicago, nominates
        Grant for the presidency.  The convention marks the national debut of
        African American politicians.  P.B.S. Pinchback of Louisiana and
        James J. Harris were delegates to the convention.  Harris will be
        named to the committee which informed Grant of his nomination.
        African Americans also serve for the first time as presidential
        electors.  Robert Meacham will be a presidential elector in Florida.
        The South Carolina electoral ticket will include three African
        American Republican leaders, B.F. Randolph, Stephen A. Swails, and
        Alonzo J. Ransier.

1951 - The New York branch of the NAACP honors Josephine Baker for her work
        to combat racism.  Baker, the American chanteuse who was acclaimed
        in Europe, had led a personal crusade to force integration of clubs
        where she appeared in Miami and Las Vegas.  She also campaigned
        against segregated railroad facilities in Chicago and buses in

1961 - A mob attacks freedom riders in Montgomery, Alabama.  Attorney
        Robert F. Kennedy dispatches four hundred U.S. marshals to Montgomery
        to keep order in the freedom rider controversy.

1964 - Buster Mathis defeats Joe Frazier to qualify for the U.S. Olympic

1971 - A Pentagon report states that African Americans constituted 11 per
        of U.S. soldiers in Southeast Asia.  The report also states that 12.5
        per cent of all soldiers killed in Vietnam since 1961 were African

1985 - Larry Holmes retains the heavyweight boxing title of the
        Boxing Federation in Reno, Nevada -- by defeating Carl Wilson in 15
        rounds.  The fight marks the first heavyweight title fight in Reno
        since Jack Johnson and Jim Jeffries fought there in 1910.

2003 - Howard Sims, tap dancer, joins the ancestors at age 86.  He was
        known as "Sandman" and taught Gregory Hines, Ben Vereen and others.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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