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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Rick Glazier <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 09:22:17 -0400
PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Kris Shapar <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I've read that you should leave the PC plugged in so it will be
>grounded (and wear a grounding strip attached to the case), that's
>not right?
Bob Wright wrote:
>>But, unless you are willing to spend the
>> money to replace burned out components because you are in a hurry to
>>save a few seconds or minutes...    you should always...   ALWAYS...
>>turn it off and unplug the system.  Always be sure you have been
>>grounded to eliminate static discharge.

I have heard it both ways from many sources.
A "proper" work environment, such as a
grounding strap, insulating rubber mat on the
floor, and a good work bench, eliminate most
problems. Once you get away from "ideal"
conditions, and have inexperienced people
"mucking" around inside a "PC", there are too
many variables to consider.

Think about this: You "wire" yourself to the PC.
The PC is hooked up to the house wiring.
The power supply has a leak of 120v ac
to the frame of the PC.
For any number of reasons, your PC does not
"pick up" a ground from your house wiring.
You are connected to the 120 v ac.
If you touch something and complete the path
to ground, the electricity goes through you.

Lets say the PC frame is grounded properly,
the PC is hooked up to the house wiring,
and the leak of 120 v is some other VERY
unusual place in the PC. Touch the leak and
the case... the electricity goes through you.

I agree with grounding the case,
but not with the power cord DURING SERVICE WORK.
All power should be TOTALLY missing/removed...

Better to be safe than sorry, and take the
other precautions that will produce the same
"effect".  It is somewhat easier to "isolate"
everything from the power, than to bet your
life on the single house ground wire.

Ground "loops" are another story.
They are less of a threat if there is no power.

       Rick Glazier
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