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Ken Murray <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Ken Murray <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 15:16:21 -0500
text/plain (625 lines)
Long, but the lead note references a visually impaired user, and there are other good resources.  Does anyone know the voice accessibility of the "e-book standard" adopted a month or so ago? 

                   THE RUNNINGRIVER READER (TM)

                  The Readers' Online Guide to E-Books!

                                    ISSN: 1527-0122

         December 8, 1999                    Volume 1 No. 14

         Phyllis Rossiter Modeland, Editor and Publisher
                      mailto:[log in to unmask]

              Copyright 1999 Phyllis Rossiter Modeland
                                       All rights reserved.

         Our motto: Accept nothing without examination.
                            Reject nothing without consideration.
                            Life is what's coming, not what was.

                             By free subscription only!

You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed.
Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of this newsletter.
We will never sell or share your e-mail address with anyone.


    =>  Sponsor Space
    =>  Letter from the Editor:
    =>  E-book News
    =>  Suggested Links
    =>  Feedback from Readers (This Means YOU!)
    =>  Reader Poll and Literary Trivia Quiz
    =>  How to Be Featured as our Guest Columnist
    =>  E-Books: New Releases
    =>  About the ebookreader forum
    =>  Famous Last Words
    =>  Classified Ads
    =>  Subscribe/Unsubscribe information
    =>  Sponsor Space



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Once in a while, events conspire to re-affirm our commitment to e-books--
and to this newsletter. This week it happened again.

Last issue's Feedback section featured a letter from sight-impaired
reader Ilene Sirocca, who must download e-books in formats compatible
with her screen reader. Concerned that the trend may be away from such
accessible formats, she wrote to us: "I feel as if we're treading old ground
here... but unless I have misunderstood, this trend seems disturbing.  Do
you have any clarification for me?"

We responded with another query, one for e-publishers: "Do you
plan to offer (or continue to offer) versions of your titles that are
accessible to blind readers via screen readers or other technologies?"

Actually, our question was almost rhetorical--more of an invitation to
e-publishers to address the subject for other interested readers. I
was not disappointed.

Bonnee Pierson of Dreams Unlimited wrote, "As stated in our
ordering FAQ, we're always willing to reformat for special situations.
In fact, we responded to requests from readers to add descriptions for
the JPGs [graphics files] on our site so the blind could use the description
to create a mental image of the pictures and covers they couldn't see.
All a potential customer has to do is contact us and we're very willing to
work with them so our books can be read by them." (Dreams Unlimited
was the winner of the 1998 Preditor and Editor's Poll for "Best
E-Publisher in the Universe." <>)

Another e-publisher who responded with sensitivity and understanding
was Dick Claassen, "the other half of Awe-Struck E-Books."
(Awe-Struck <> was our spotlighted e-publisher
in Vol. 1 No. 11.) Dick reported that only the free e-book Ilene wanted
was still in PDF after his switch to HTML--in order to make the material
more accessible and comfortable to read. Only his heavy work load had
delayed the reformatting of the "freebie." In response to Ilene's concern,
however, Dick accomplished the reformatting over the weekend. The
e-book in question, SHADOW OF LOVE, is Dick's own book, which he
had left until last in his zeal to get all of Awe-Struck's authors' books

"I started Awe-Struck because I wanted the disabled character to be a
real hero for once," Dick wrote. "...It's all a matter of information. If I'm
ignorant, things won't change. If I nag people for answers and for help,
things will change. Thanks for bringing all this to my attention."

Additionally, Dick reports that he is working to make trouble-free text
files so that the blind folks still using DOS (see Reader Feedback,
below) can also successfully read Awe-Struck's books. "It's not enough
for us as e-publishers to be aware of the problem. Now we have to
implement. I'm workin' on it."

Reassured, subscriber Ilene Sirocca writes that "I always find that it's a
good idea to ask when you're not sure about something.... right now the
HTML format is working wonderfully with my equipment.... I must say I've
never been a consumer advocate nor am I particularly militant, but when
it comes to reading, wow! do I perk up! ...I want you to know how very
helpful and concerned Dick is and what a fine example he could be to
other e-book publishers."

This "happy ending"--and the exchange of ideas and information--points
up one of the reasons I am so enthusiastic about e-books and e-publishing:
the principles are so responsive to their customers and to their authors.
In short, these companies have not lost the "human touch." I can't help
but compare this mutual respect, comfortable communication and ready
rapport to the everyday struggle with and against inhumane mega-
conglomerates and chain bookstores to whom books are only "products"
and sales are "units."

I don't pretend to know whether this benign state is because the
e-publishers are still relatively small and proprietary--or whether it is more
a reflection of the often remarkable people who are pioneering this new
industry. In either event, we are all the beneficiaries of the result.

To quote Dick Claassen again: "...We are all friendly here, and we are all
trying to help each other."


Phyllis Rossiter Modeland




Doug Clegg, author of the Web e-serial NAOMI, has a contract for a print
version of the novel, to be released as a mass-market title in 2001.
"E-publishing does pay," Clegg says. He credits the exposure of
the Web serial for better sales of his 1998 novel THE HALLOWEEN MAN.
About 4000 people bought the Web serial. Clegg is planning another
e-serial to serve as a "prequel" for his next print book, MISCHIEF.

"Of course," says Steven M. Zeitchik, Editor of PW DAILY, "the real sign
of a changing world will come when a print contract isn't needed for
credibility; digital sales will be, monetarily and culturally, validation enough."

The RunningRiver Reader wonders what makes Mr. Zeitchik so sure that
today's e-authors aren't "validated" and plenty credible.



In keeping with the holiday spirit, DiskUs Publishing has created a web-
site devoted to all aspects of the Yuletide Season. Located at <>, Winter Wonderland
offers a wide variety of things to do and enjoy, including:

* a full MIDI library of classic Christmas carols
* recipes for cookies and candy, dinners and desserts
* activities for both outdoors and indoors
* instructions for wrapping and shipping packages
* a lengthy list of holiday movies
* information about Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa
* games and jokes for both children and adults
* a gauge to find out if one has been "nice or naughty"
* selected poems and stories, as well as public domain classics by
  Charles Dickens and O. Henry

DiskUs Publishing accepted contributions for their Wonderland from all
authors, not just their own, to promote all of electronic publishing to
visitors to the site.

"Christmas and the holiday season reminds us of the need to share freely
with others," says Marilyn Nesbitt, DiskUs Publishing CEO. "So we
decided to embrace all authors whose works appear in electronic
bindings, as well as providing viewers a link to visit their personal pages.
This is our Christmas present to all those interested in electronic publishing,
to the public in general and to ourselves as well. Creating this web site has
been a task of pure love and sharing."

In addition to the many aspects that viewers can enjoy at the site, DiskUs
Publishing is also sponsoring two drawings for gift-filled baskets. The links
for entering the contest can be found at the site. One drawing is for adults.
The other is for those children under 12 who complete a form at the site to
send a letter to Santa Claus. Each letter to Santa is answered personally
to the child.

Among the authors participating in Winter Wonderland are Leta Nolan
Childers, author of the 1999 #1 best-selling book in electronic binding,
THE BEST LAID PLANS; M.J. Rose, author of LIP SERVICE; Lori Foster,
author of BRAZEN; Jewel Brennan, Charlee Campo, Elizabeth Delisi, Eva
Kende, Glenda Tudor, Robin Bayne, Allene Frances, Elaine Hopper, Sally
Odgers, Joanie MacNeil, Libby McKinmer, Karen Wiesner, Michelle Lee,
Pat Snellgrove, Sherry-Anne Jacobs, Diana Lesire Brandmeyer, Robin
Westmiller and Celia Collier.

"What a wonderful group of authors. In what other form of publishing could
one find a diverse group of writers such as these willing to share their
efforts and talents to spread the cheer of the season to all who choose to
visit?" said Nesbitt.

The unique graphics for the site, as well as the design, were donated by
Publishing Promotions Partners, <>. Nesbitt
said that new additions are being made to the site on a regular basis. It
will remain in place year-around.



Every Saturday from now until the end of the month, Gemini Bookstore
will be giving away a $5 gift certificate good on purchases from the store.
To enter, simply click on the banner at the site to send an e-mail entry for
the drawing. <>



E-publisher Lisa Schmitt of Gemini Books has announced that effective
December 31, the Gemini site will no longer serve as an online
retailer for other publishers. Instead, Gemini will devote the considerable
time and effort required by the bookstore to acquire, edit and market the
books submitted to them for potential publication.

Gemini Books will continue after the first of the year as a retail outlet for
Gemini Books' own list only.

Lisa suggests visiting these e-book retailers:



Remember the USTimesBestseller list, now online at:
Besides the e-book best-seller list, you'll find e-book
reviews, author interviews, etc. This site lists the top sellers of
participating e-publishers in alphabetical order.


with Rocket eBooks, is at


For more about the present and the future of e-books, see
the following web sites--each with links to many more:




Subscriber Ray Waier writes, "Though I enjoy most of your newsletter,
my cup runneth over. I suggest you screen the important from the
redundant  and shorten same by at least 50%. It is too long to hold my

Editor's Note: While I share Mr. Waier's concerns about the length of
The RunningRiver Reader (tm), I am dedicated to serving a very diverse
constituency with widely varying interests. The item that I omit or slight
could be the very item that interests *you* most. And I try hard to be fair
to all e-authors. Additionally, many subscribers--including those in other
countries--have limited access to the World Wide Web and really *need*
a thorough newsletter rather than one that merely points to web sites.

Nevertheless, I am vitally interested in best meeting the needs of the
greatest number of readers. Therefore, we invite all subscribers to
voice their opinions on this issue--this week's poll question* (see below).


In response to Ilene Sirocca's concerns--voiced in our last issue--about
formats for blind readers' software, we heard from David Isaacs,
President, At Your Service:

"Establishing new digital standards without being aware of the Americans
With Disabilities Act and continuing with the process of barring the Blind
from the Internet is really not the way to do business. Since early DOS
screen readers had a complete command set, superior to those for
Windows, and usually came with about 50 programmable hot keys as well
as variable voice options at about half the cost of Windows programs,
there is literally no reason to exclude anyone with visual anomalies from
the world of e-book literature.

"A simple ASCII file transferred to Notepad and stripped of acronyms and
abbreviations is the perfect format for nearly every screen reader. And it
is possible to listen at nearly 400 words per minute after a short time of
use. Unfortunately, this technology hides in its own rehab market niche
with little understanding outside the blind community.

"If any of your publishers would like information about formatting text for
screen reader access, they can reach me at:
mailto:[log in to unmask]"



LAST WEEK'S QUESTION, "If you go to an e-publisher site and
find the book is available both electronically and in paperback, which
version are you more likely to buy, and why?" received several
interesting responses:

Karen Wiesner, <>,  responds,
"First, depends on the author. If I'm a big fan, I'll probably buy the
paperback because it'll mean more royalties for the author. Second,
if the author is new, I'm not sure I'm going to like it and/or I don't
personally know the author, I'll buy a download because it's much

Reader Ilene Sirocca writes that "For me, the whole point of the e-book
publishers is that you can download and read the book on your
computer. Therefore, I would choose the e-book if at all possible."

Dr. James R. Adams wrote, "Depends on whom I am buying for... if
for self, I might download; but for a gift, I still would have to go for the
'real' book... hope that changes soon." (Check out Adams' e-books
at <>.)

"There are two answers to this question for me," writes Pat Cavender.
"If the book is simply one I want to read and is an unknown author to
me, I will buy the electronic version. The reason is the download is
generally half as expensive as a paperback book and it is a cheaper
way to experience a new author's style. However, if the author is one
whose books I have collected, I will purchase the paperback. It
complements my collection and looks similar to the others in the
collection. Of course, I could print out an electronic book, but the
expense of the ink is prohibitive."


THIS WEEK'S QUESTION:  *Do you favor making The RunningRiver
Reader (tm) less lengthy? If so, what section(s) would you omit or
shorten? Please send your responses to: mailto:[log in to unmask]



Last week's question: "Why was Philip Nolan THE MAN WITHOUT
A COUNTRY in the Everett Edward Hale story?" The first accurate
responder was e-author Marilynn Byerly: "He committed treason and
wished aloud to the judge that he never see America again. His
punishment was to be shuttled on U.S. ships so that he never could see
the U.S. again." Marilynn is the author of TIME AFTER TIME, a paranormal
romance from Hard Shell Word Factory <>,
number 10 in cumulative sales among all e-books and on
December 1 was number 5 on the Rocket eBook best-seller list. She
also wrote THE IMMORTALS, a science fiction adventure novel, The
Fiction Works, <>.

A close runner-up was Patricia White, (The RunningRiver Reader,
Vol.1 No. 2). We love the title of her recent book, PS I'VE TAKEN A LOVER. <>


THIS WEEK'S QUESTION:  One of Eudora Welty's most famous short
stories describes Phoenix Jackson's long trip into Natchez to get
medicine--a story in which the road she takes is also a character. What
is the title of the story? Send your answer to [log in to unmask]
The first accurate responder will be listed here in the next issue and in
the archives at <>.



If you would like to write a Guest Column for THE RUNNINGRIVER
READER (TM) on some aspect of e-books and/or e-publishing,
send it--in plain text--(750 words maximum) via e-mail to
mailto:[log in to unmask] We reserve the right to edit for length
and clarity. We'll get back to you via e-mail. Be sure to give us your
URL and, if you're an author, the title(s) and publisher(s) of your books.



(Announced by e-authors or e-publishers directly to The RunningRiver

Marilyn Meredith announces the release this month of DEADLY OMEN,
from Indigo Publishing, "the first in the Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery
series." Marilyn invites you to visit her at <>. Her
other titles are GUILT BY ASSOCIATION, MountainView Publishing, <>; KACHIMA SPIRIT, a ghost
story, from Hard Shell Word Factory, <>;
LINGERING SPIRIT, a supernatural romance, available at Fiction Works
DARKNESS, Christian horror, Domhan Books,
<>; THE ASTRAL GIFT, a mystery with
a supernatural twist, Domhan Books.


LIFE ON SANTA CLAUS LANE, by Darrell Bain, is nonfiction humor just
released by, <>, who says,
"If you're suffering from pre-Christmas blues from too much red and green,
these stories will tickle you pink. Wild stories only possible for a
couple who actually lives on Santa Claus Lane--and own a Christmas
tree farm--in Texas.... Stories and anecdotes funny enough to make Al
Gore laugh." Darrell Bain has been writing for about ten years and has
previously published a novel and short stories.


WordWrangler Publishing has a new Young Adult novel, THE WITCHERY
WAY, by Robert Ferrier. "Two teens battle a Cherokee nightwalker in a
story of witchcraft, railroad sabotage, drugs and romance." This title is the
first of three young adult novels by Robert Ferrier to be published by Word
Wrangler <>, which was spotlighted in
The RunningRiver Reader(tm), Vol. 1 No. 13.


THE DARKNESS BELOW, Lee Eide's first published novel, is now
available from Denlinger's Publishers, at <>.
Described as a horror-fantasy, the novel features gargoyles, a mystical
mansion in northern Minnesota, a parallel world ruled by vampire-kings,
lucid dreaming, an out-of-body experience, a near-death experience
and an international vampire cult. Lee reports the book will eventually
be available also as a print-on-demand title from Barnes & Noble.


Vickie Britton and her sister, Loretta Jackson (who have many print titles
to their credit), have a new e-title just released from New Concepts
Publishing. THE VIKING CROWN is available at
<> and at


Gemini Books announces the release of the following e-books:

Just in time for Christmas, this children's story is one of mysteries, magic,
mermaids and high adventure.

by Hermogenes Perez de Arce, new from Gemini Books
Chilean attorney and journalist de Arce brings his views regarding the
volatile issue of Pinochet to the world. Using legal and historical precedent,
along with facts not generally shared through the media, de Arce defends the
former Chilean president and offers a Chilean viewpoint on the events
recently in the public eye.


E-authors and e-publishers:  if we haven't already mentioned them,
we'd love to include the titles from your backlist. Obviously it is
time-prohibitive for us to get around to all e-publishers' and/or
e-authors' web sites, so please drop us a line and, if you can,
send us graphics files of your covers as attachments to your
e-mail. We use the cover art in our newsletter archives at


If you would like to discuss THE RUNNINGRIVER READER (TM)
and/or talk about e-books, e-authors, and e-publishing, join us on
the e-bookreaders forum mailing list!

Subscribe: mailto:[log in to unmask]
or go to <>
Post message: mailto:[log in to unmask]
Unsubscribe: mailto:[log in to unmask]

The Editor of THE RUNNINGRIVER READER (TM) is the moderator
of the ebookreader list.



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Copyright 1999 Phyllis Rossiter Modeland; all rights reserved.

We encourage you to freely share this newsletter--as a whole--with
others, but please do not remove our copyright notice. Thank you!
Please urge your friends to subscribe!

E-authors and e-publishers, please send me your news! Send me links
to your reviews and JPGs of your covers! mailto:[log in to unmask]


If you have a suggestion or a comment about this newsletter or something
in it--or a question about e-books and/or e-publishing, write to:
mailto:[log in to unmask]



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Archived issues--with photographs--can be found, usually the
day following publication at <>.


Phyllis Rossiter Modeland,, <>
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P. O. Box 1299, Flippin, Arkansas 72634

There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch
your heart...pursue those.


"Many people hear voices when no one is there. Some of them are called
mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others
are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing." --Meg Chittenden



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Some news provided by
EDITOR'S NOTE: Publication of this newsletter may be delayed or
occasionally interrupted while we vacation and do research for
writing projects. While traveling, we will have uncertain e-mail access
and no Web access. This will also mean a delay in updating the
newsletter archives. Please be patient; we *shall* return!
For those who are curious: This week's issue is coming to you from the
Town Hall at Dauphin Island, Alabama. Thank you, Dauphin Island!

Ken Murray
Kettering Ohio (near Dayton)
[log in to unmask]

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