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Steve Zielinski <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 20:14:17 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (132 lines)
I didn't see vicug-l listed in the cross postings on this message so am
sending it here.  I think new people using windows would want to learn how
to de html-ize their e-mail and this message will tell you how.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:16:19 -500
From: Brent Reynolds <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask],
     [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Get a Clue, How not to HTML your E-Mail!

+== acb-l Message from Brent Reynolds <[log in to unmask]> ==+

HI, guys,
Sorry about the cross-posting, but this has come up and on the blind-x list,
ellicited comments that were dangerously close to being inexcusably rude and
harsh.  There are many reasons not to send e-mail messages in HTML file
format or in such a way that the body of the message is sent as an encoded
file attachment.  HTML is not a format for use in E-mail.  It screws up
digest versions that are favored by many list members.  It doubles or even
quadruples the size of a message, and in many parts of the world, users must
pay for each message, and/or for each kilobyte of content, and/or for each
minute they must spend connected to their service provider.  They pay these
fees after the charges for the internet access, the phone service, the
charge for the local phone call.  And, they often are using much older,
slower, and less sophistocated equipment than many of us use, and they must
connect that gear to much older, slower, noisier, less reliable phone lines
and services than we do.  Also, many if not most, E-mail reading programs
can't deal with HTML formats.  In short, it is rude and inconsiderate to
send out e-mail messages in HTML format.

This is a post I just saw on the Canadian SkyClub list and it tells how to
turn off all the HTML stuff in some of the more popular Windows E-mail
programs, and it's Windows users who are the culprits about sending their
messages in HTML format.  I'm only snipping out some of the header
information from the SkyClub posting.  I hope this will help some people.
Pass it on further to others and to other lists if you think it will be
Begin, forwarded information from SkyClub:

From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:26:42 -0500
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: html e-mail tip

Hello Skyclub, here is an e-mail tip that I "stole"
from the list moderaters discussion list. There
are a few people who send messages to this list
and have their e-mail configured to send an
html copy as well. Those who are doing this
may not even be aware, but I must remind you
that messages coded in html disrupt the digest
version of skyclub. Here are some tips for
ensuring that you do not send html messages.

"Generally speaking, if you'd like to turn off
HTML mail (as you probably
should), here's a cheat sheet written by John
Levine (the author of "The
Internet for Dummies").


 Here`s a cheat sheet that I shall surely put into
the next edition of
 "E-mail for Dummies".

     In Eudora 4.x:

 * On the menu, select Tools, then Options.
 * Click Styled Text.
 * Click "Send plain text only"
 * Click OK

     In Netscape 4.0 or later:

 * On the menu, select Edit, then Preferences,
then "Mail and News
 * Select tab "Compositions"
 * Remove the check mark for "Use HTML
Composition Window"
 * Make sure that "Allow 8-bit" is checked
 * Make sure that "MIME compliant" is NOT
 * Click OK

     In the Internet Explorer 3.0 news program:

 * On the menu, select News, then Options
 * Select the Send tab
 * Check the "Plain Text" box
 * Click OK.

     In Outlook Express:

 * On the menu, select Tools, then Options
 * Select the Send tab
 * Check the "Plain Text" boxes in both Mail and
 * Click OK.

Shelagh Paterson
CNIB Library
End, forwarding from SkyClub.

Reply to: [log in to unmask]
Brent Reynolds, Atlanta, GA  USA

"Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks."

Net-Tamer V 1.11.2 - Registered

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