"James A. Frey" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Group:
> I am looking to assemble a Pentium II system using an ATX motherboard.
> Does this require a special case, or will the motherboard fit in any
> case?
You are going to need an ATX compatible case for most ATX motherboards. The
locations of the connectors for built-on ports (serial/parallel/keyboard, etc)
is different. In addition, ATX motherboards have the ability to automatically
shut off the power when you shutdown from Windows 95. An ATX case would have a
power supply that is compatible with this feature.
Russ Poffenberger Engineering Specialist
Schlumberger Technologies ATE DOMAIN: [log in to unmask]
1601 Technology Drive CIS: 72401,276
San Jose, Ca. 95110 Voice: (408)437-5254 FAX: (408)437-5246