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African Association of Madison, Inc.


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Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 22:45:11 -0600
text/plain (41 lines)
Dear Everybody,

Happy Holiday Season!!
This communiqué indicates the end of my term as your Secretary. Thank you
for the opportunity of serving you. It has been a worthwhile experience. I
hope we didn't let you down. And believe you me, everyone in this
administration feels the same way, except perhaps, for Joe who is coming
back next year. We wish him all the luck and we will be there , if needed,
to help make his administration a success.
It will be dangerous to start naming names here, because I know each and
everyone of you contributed one way or another to keeping the ship afloat.
Be that as it may, I will like to honorably mention a few people. Please, if
your name is not mentioned here do not feel bad about it, my specialty was
with the children.

I will like to thank all the children. Without you we would have fail.
Period. Without your persistent prodding, commitment and performance not
much would have been accomplished. You added a new dimension to the
evolution of the organization. I will like to thank and congratulate all
those kids who performed during end-of-year party. Because of you Africa is
assured one or more kung-fu experts. Of course we have more Wole Soyinkas on
the way, not to talk of Handels. Thank you all. Special thanks to Nana
Asante who never gave up. Tosha Songolo for her ideas. Mawuena Akyea and
Kumapayi the M.Cs at AFFEST2001. The parents Mr. and Mrs Akyea, and Emilie
Ngo Nguidjol for working with the growing-ups; Ray Kumapayi, Koso Weller,
Leslie for your contribution to the festival. If else fails you can count on
Bill Bosu to be there.
Thank you all. It takes a village to raise a child, we have to pay our

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