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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Wat Tyler <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Wed, 26 Aug 1998 19:10:16 -0700
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Noam Chomsky discusses Terror
Is it terrorism to attack terrorists?

Murderous factions have untenable goals and
unlimited bombs

                By Allan Thompson
             Toronto Star Ottawa Bureau

OTTAWA - IN A MACABRE sort of way, terrorism doesn't
seem to make as much sense as it used to.

Shadowy organizations are suddenly front and centre in news
coverage of the terrorist attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa,
bombings that prompted counter-attacks by the U.S. military
this week.

Who are these people and what do they want? And is it
terrorism to lash out at a terrorist?

. . . [ TEXT DELETED] . . .

In explaining the American strikes on targets in Afghanistan
and Sudan, U.S. President Bill Clinton told Americans he was
determined to strike back at terrorists, to send a message that
such attacks won't be tolerated and to try to head off further

Chomsky says that if the Clinton doctrine on retaliation is to be
taken literally, ``then all around the world there are countries
that have a perfect right to set off bombs in Washington.''

He points to the recent publication in the New York Times of
evidence that a Miami-based organization was involved in
bombings in Cuba that claimed civilian lives.

And he says that by the same token, Lebanon would have the
right to set off bombs in Israel, ``which is constantly carrying
out terrorist attacks north of what it calls its security zone'' in
southern Lebanon.

``Nobody takes this principle seriously. It is a principle for the
strong, and what it says is that the strong are allowed to attack
the weak and defenceless any time they want to,'' Chomsky

``In response to terrorism, further terrorism is not authorized.
If Cuba or Nicaragua or Lebanon or whatever were to drop
bombs in Washington - although it would be justified under the
Clinton doctrine - it wouldn't be justified in any other sense.

``It's all blatantly illegal, there's nothing more clear than what
the U.N. Charter says about this (use of violence).''

Chomsky says law-abiding states should refrain from using
violence and try to prosecute the perpetrators of terrorist
attacks, rather than resorting to the same tactics.

``People who carry out terrorist attacks are culpable and
should be punished just like any other crime.''

. . . [ TEXT DELETED] . . .