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Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 11:57:07 -0400
text/plain (73 lines)
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 12:26:18 -0400, Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Yes, I am well persuaded of the nutritional value of nuts.  In my
>opinion they are almost an ideal food.  I would still want more
>protein and more w-3 fat, however.
>Do you have information about the fiber content of nuts?  That
>is, is it mostly insoluble fiber, as I suspect?

My program gives for Walnut:
(for 330 g, i try to analyze a days caloric need)

                  sum for        recommended  percentage
  Stuff             330g        Werte/Tag    reached
 Energy:          2301.3 kcal    2400.0 kcal    96
 Protein:           47.9  g        55.0  g      87
 Fat :             207.9  g        69.7  g     298
 Carb         :     36.3  g       372.3  g      10
 MUFA          :   126.7  g        10.0  g    1267
 FIBER        :     17.2  g        30.0  g      57
 Natrium:            9.9 mg      2000.0 mg       0
 Kalium:          1716.0 mg      3500.0 mg      49
 Magnesium:        429.0 mg       350.0 mg     123
 Calcium:          297.0 mg       800.0 mg      37
 Phosphor:        1320.0 mg       800.0 mg     165
on :              8.3 mg        12.0 mg      69
 Zink:               8.9 mg        15.0 mg      59
 Vit. A:            19.8 ΅g      1000.0 ΅g       2
 Vit. E:            20.5 mg        12.0 mg     170
 Folsδure:         183.5 ΅g       160.0 ΅g     115
 Vit. B1:            1.1 mg         1.3 mg      86
 Vit. B2:            0.4 mg         1.7 mg      23
 Vit. B6:            2.6 mg         1.8 mg     147
 Vit. C:             9.9 mg        75.0 mg      13

That means on an attempt to live on Walnut *only*
we'll be a little low on vit A,B2,C.
That's exactely what can be found in dark green leaves
purslane/spinach/sorrel-like stuff.

Other nuts (especially hazel) are similar.
The recommendations above on fat and carb are the conventional ones of course.
I personally use to have a much hig
her fat part, like most on this list.

Sorry, i don't know how the soluble/insoluble fiber percentages in nuts are.

Would you mind a little ice age nuts and CroMagnon speculation?

In mesolithic times it is proven that large amounts of hazel have been consumed.
In ice ages at each warming there is a phase where the quick-spreading
hazel makes up big parts of the vegetation. Last time in the about 1500 years
before 4500BC in middle europe.
Ice-ages consisted of several worm and cold-phases, where in the cold-phase
all the tree-vegetation died.
But in the warming phases re-establishing bush and tree-phases always
should have created a big hazel time (1000 years with *only* hazel).
In the last big cold phase (75000 to 10000 bc) we had several
such "short" worm episodes.
And before that, we had a very big worm phase of 70000 years
with a climate like today, or better (named Eem).
That make
s for the anatomical modern human ("Cro Magnon") who is speculated
to have existed since 120000 to 80000 years, a very long time together
with plenty of nuts.
I think that's why nuts fit so well into our nutritional profile.

