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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wolfson440 <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Apr 1998 16:04:31 EDT
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Well I finally got a copy of and read NeanderThin. Today was day one for me
and my husband (and of course our 1 year old daughter). We discussed it this
weekend and made the decision to try it for one month. For him it's really
important because he has rheumatoid arthritis that is only getting worse.

We do have some challenges following this diet. My husband and I are both
allergic to eggs. And he is also allergic to beef, thinks he's allergic to
nuts and is allergic to many raw fruits and vegetables (but are ok when cooked
till they fall apart). To top it all off, he works in a BAKERY -- well it's
really more of a counter service restaurant that features specialty breads and
sweets. BAD NEWS!!! So, he spent the weekend analyzing what he can eat there
-- which actually is quite a bit, with a little thought.

I think my biggest difficulty is giving up dairy products -- I LOVE cheese,
especially goats milk feta cheeses and fresh Greek style yogurt ( I guess this
means no more tsaziki :-(

So this weekend we purged our cabinets, had our last dessert and last cup of
coffee and we have made it through our first two meals. I'm really dying for
coffee right now. I already gave up the diet coke, so at least I don't have to
deal with that too.

It's crazy, when I went through five horrible days of withdrawal when I
started Atkins, I vowed I would never go off the diet so I wouldn't have to go
through THAT again. Well, so much for the vow -- I indulged a little here and
a little there, and even though my diet still is better than it was, it's
amazing how much crap ended up in my diet again. But, I don't think it will be
as bad this time.

Even though I consider myself more educated about food than the average
person, after reading NeanderThin I realized how how ignorant I am when it
comes to knowing which foods are edible raw! It just shows how out of touch
with nature we really are.

Like no squash? ( I eat it a lot!!!) and not turnips or beets?? (not that I'll
miss either of those). And sweet potatoes (my daughter really likes those)

But what about foods like olives (and olive oil)? Or how about canola oil?? Or
any oils for that matter?

Also, on Atkins I like to eat spicy buffalo wings (one of my favorite foods)
-- how can these be made the paleo way (tabasco sauce and Louisiana hot sauce
have vinegar in them)?

And tea is really ok? and Peppercorns?

I would like some suggestions for a quick, easy breakfast. Or recipes for
fruit smoothies?

Any comments, suggestions, ideas are welcomed!
Michelle Wolfson