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Thu, 30 Jul 1998 22:52:02 -0500
"L.Shriver" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Everyone,

I was writing to let everyone know that my daughter is fine. I would like
to thank everyone who wrote to us in our time of need. After writing, we
did have to take Katherine to the local hospital, because her tummy got so
bloated and she hurt even when she moved. At the hospital they took x-rays
and she had impacted stool and lots of gas. She had been given mineral oil
before going to the hospital, so they felt sure it would help. Not much
help and we stayed at hospital until 2 AM and they released her.

When we got home, I rocked her all night and listened to her moan. The next
morning, I stared to open this wonderful email full of home remedies. They
were all great and I would like to say that I do not know what I would have
done without you guys. I put her in a warm tub with tea made from dried
rosemary, and it seem to really get rid of the gas ( brew a tea from
rosemary petals, dried or fresh and strain into tub) She loved this. We
drank lots of apple juice, several individuals recommended this, along with
prune juice, warm, water, grape juice, peppermint and chamomile tea. She is
very picky and she only wanted apple juice. Anyway, we did lots of tummy
massaged, and resting, she finally passed it when I made her walk, it was
so sad, she walked like a little old lady. She said it hurt and after a
little walking and laying on her back while I moved her legs, she said she
had to go. Well she passed it, and then she was better, but she was sore
for a couple of days. She is well and all the swelling went down, and we
will now limit our eating out. We seem to only get gluten when we eat out.
There are a few places here in town that we know the chef and can eat safe,
but next time we travel we will pack a picnic.

Here are the suggestion that I received and I would like to share them with

Prune Juice
Apple Juice
Grape Juice
Lots of water, some said warm was better
Heating pad
Rest, lots of kisses and hugs
Warm Baths
Warm Baths with rosemary petals ( really works)

Judith Suggested the following
Chamomile Tea with honey and read the story Peter Rabbit by Beatrice Potter
( Peter gets a tummy ache and he drinks Chamomile tea) (we did this except
with the apple juice, and she loved it. I drink chamomile tea and it works
for me to soothe a tummy ache)
Gentle tummy massages
Bath with Epsom salt
Knee lifts to stimulate intestines ( this really worked well)

Lactose - mineral based laxative for constant constipation
Dried papaya - Shave with a vegetable peeler into a small glass and add 1/8
cup of water, microwave for 1 minute and then pour the payday enzyme into
soy milk. Papaya is a digestive enzyme. ( we did not try this but it sounds
very good) You can buy dried papaya at most grocery stores in my area)
Hylands Homeopathic remedy - Gas Natural Relief for Gas and Stomach Upset
Tea with Fresh Peppermint
Metamucil in juice or a fruit shake
Mineral oil mixed with juice, chocolate syrup, or ice cream ( we used
chocolate ice cream and she never new)
Vegetable Soup with lots of olive oil
Drinkable Aloe Vera, small amount
Glycerin Suppositories for children
Levison Drops ( prescription only)
Heating pad
Lemon Italian Ice
Angostura bitters and GF Seltzer
Traditional Medicinal herbal tea called Smooth Move Tea, make it weak for
Homeopathic remedy called Sprue, by Hanna Kroger 1-800-795-0338

I also got some responses that said that mineral oil was not good for you,
it depletes the body of minerals, instead you should use Karo Syrup,
blackstrap molasses, milk of magnesia, or castor oil. ( I took Katherine to
a new GI in Dallas and she suggested the milk of magnesia, heating pad, and
warm baths)

Again Thank you all again and God Bless,

Lucy Shriver