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Fri, 5 Jun 1998 18:53:18 -0700
Judith Adamski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Greetings, listmates...

A quandry:  Can a colonoscopy reveal villi changes consistent with celiac
disease?  Or does one have to have an endoscopy?  And what about flexible
(does that mean there are inflexible) sigmoidoscopies?

A couple years ago, before even considering that I might be celiac, I had
so many "symptoms" that my GP sent me to a GI who did a colonoscopy.
Diagnosis:  inconclusive, possibly suggestive of early ulcerative colitis,
but with "no histological changes."

Well, symptoms have returned and I'm in a different part of the country
with a new GP who has sent me to a new GI, seemingly familiar w/cd.  This
MD said that the earlier report, i.e., "no histological changes," indicated
that cd should not be a primary concern.  Additionally, recent stool
studies have shown pus.  The GI guy says that that would NOT be consistent
with cd and wants to "start slow" (I appreciate that) and do a flexible
sigmoidoscopy, which he says will tell us (?) what we need to know:  (Oh, I
hate this reversion to bowel talk... I loathed it in the elders of my
family, but c'est la guerre, how else to get to the bottom (no pun
intended) of the problem!!!)

Doing the test doesn't bother me; pain or cost (thanks to insurance) are
not considerations and besides, have you ever watched the screen during one
of these tests; the innards of the human are really quite fascinating.  I
simply would like some confirmation (or refutation) of what those various
tests can, or cannot, verify!

Thanks in advance!

Judith in Corvallis