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Wed, 3 Jun 1998 22:39:42 -0500
Annette Willits <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (94 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Friends:

Let me start by saying you all are such a wonderful inspiration to me.
You may remember that I was diagnosed last month after 3 visits to the
emergency room for IV therapy and a week long hospital stay.  I had my
biopsy done last Friday and it confirmed the celiac diagnosis.  I have
been feeling so much better since being GF, except that now I am gaining
WAYYYYYY to much weight.  I have gained 20 lbs in one month.  Granted I
needed to gain some weight (I was admitted to the hospital at 88 lbs.),
but NO MORE!!

My whole attitude has seemed to change since I'm feeling better.  The
diet has helped me in many areas of my life including more energy and
better concentration.  Today has been a bad day though.  I am really
starting to get down on myself with the weight gain, and  I think I may
have accidentally ingested gluten at lunch today.   I've have tried to
be so careful, and  I wonder if this small amount has added to my
current status of being down and not as positive about this new
diagnosis & way of life.  I have been fairly positive up until today.
Well, enough rambling.  I just want to say again how much all your
insights and encouragement have helped.

The  following is a summary of two inquiries I made last week regarding
some different symptoms I was having regarding edema and kidney pain.
Before for the summary however, let me add that most of the symptoms
have subsided (except for the compulsive eating - which bums me out).

Regarding edema:

 *  Several people indicated that they had experienced swelling in their
       ankles soon after being diagnosed with CD, and that the swelling had
       disappeared completely after 3-6 months.
 *  Some have periodic reoccurrence mostly in the ankles and knees.
 *  One celiac indicted reoccurrence when gluten is ingested.
 *  It was explained by several people that the swelling is a result of
       poor absorption of nutrients in the food that we eat.
 *  Others indicated it may be too much salt.
 *  One reply stated that their doctor told them the swelling was due to
       undigested protein in the blood causing an osmotic imbalance
       that drove sodium and water out of the blood into the tissue.
 *  The edema can be caused by low blood protein.

Regarding compulsive eating & weight gain:

 *  Many assured me that they too ate compulsively for 2+ months following
       diagnosis.  Most indicated that the compulsive eating subsides after
       awhile.  I certainly hope this is true, because I am starting to get
       really down about the eating and weight gain.
 *  Those that indicated a significant weight gain emphasized that it is a
       small price to pay for feeling so much better on a GF diet.
 *  I found many of the responses very humorous as people shared their
       different eating stories.  Thanks to all of you for your
       encouragement.  Hopefully, my eating habits will even out very SOON.

Regarding biopsy:

 *  When I indicated that my biopsy was going to be performed after being
       GF for over a month, I had many responses that the biopsy would be
       inconclusive because the intestine had started to repair itself.  The
       biopsy, however, was positive and I saw pictures that was BALD, BALD,
       BALD.  The GI stated that he had to go far down into the intestine
       before seeing any absorption area.  Does anyone think that this may be
       because I am still ingesting hidden gluten?

Regarding diabetes:

 *  I was a bit panicked when I inquired of the listserve regarding some
       kidney pain I was having.  The pain subsided within the next few days.
       The doctor did run some other tests, but as far as I know, everything
       was normal.
 *  Many responses showed great concern and emphasized that the kidneys
       are nothing to mess around with.  Kidney pain should be brought the
       attention of a physician immediately.
 *  Several indicated that body pain is common in CD and that osteoporosis
       is also something to be aware of and be tested for.

Regarding brittle nails and hair loss:

 *  These are still symptoms that I have, and many responded that this is
       typical following CD diagnosis.  The cause is malnutrition and the time
       it takes for our bodies to adjust.

Well, this summary is probably long enough.  Let me know if you have any
questions and thank you again for all your support.  I promise to be as
responsive as all of you as newly diagnosed celiacs join our group.  It
really helps to know that others have gone through the same things.


Minneapolis, MN