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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Sat, 22 Nov 1997 05:25:16 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (183 lines)
for those in the chicago area, ripco communications is the only local
internet provider that offers a spam filter to its subscribers.


      November 21, 1997

Spam Dispute Brings Usenet and CompuServe to Brink


     A self-appointed jury of spam foes had condemned CompuServe to the
     ultimate penalty: death. The crime: harboring hawkers of
     get-rich-quick schemes and pornography who were inundating Usenet,
     the unregulated network of thousands of discussion groups.

     Related Article
     CompuServe Reports Smaller Loss

     But before the spam foes prevented all CompuServe users from
     posting to Usenet, the giant online provider abruptly changed its
     ways. On Wednesday, it announced it would no longer tolerate
     spammers, and the plan was revoked.

     "I predict that CompuServe will soon be a definite 'white hat' in
     the ongoing battle against spam," said Rick Buchanan, one of the
     volunteer de-spammers for Usenet, who initially announced their
     "Usenet Death Penalty" against CompuServe on Monday. "Of course,
     we'll be monitoring things just in case."

     The tension between Usenet, one of the Internet's oldest forums,
     and CompuServe, one of the oldest commercial online services, seems
     resolved. Yet it underscores ongoing and pressing struggles for
     Usenet, which once was the heart and soul of the Internet.

     The plain fact is that Usenet is in a fight for its own life.
     Increasingly, it has become a dumping ground for spam and is the
     single-most heavily spammed forum on the Net. Today, 33 percent of
     all postings to Usenet are considered spam, and fully 33 percent
     more are commands sent to delete the spam, according to independent

     The troubles stem from the very characteristics of Usenet that made
     it so popular in the first place. A global network of 40,000 news
     and discussion groups, Usenet is owned by no one, easily and freely
     accessible, and, virtually ungoverned, except for the few anti-spam
     vigilantes. It is a river of news groups, that, like the Internet
     itself, flows from server to server.

     So it also has become a central venue for advertisers, particularly
     adult Web sites, to easily reach the millions of Usenet
     participants. With a few simple commands, advertisers can send the
     same message to thousands of discussion groups, regardless of
     whether the posts are relevant or offensive to participants.

     This has been my home since 1983, but it's been invaded.

     Rick Buchanan,
     Usenet member

     In a recent discussion on basketball, for example, 3 of the top 10
     posts were for a get-rich-quick scheme (offering $500 a week to
     anyone who sends $2 to a particular address), a "Christian Business
     Opportunity," and an ad for the "Puerto Rico Business Magazine." In
     short, according to Usenet aficionados, the forum is suffering the
     Death of the Commons.

     "Nobody owns the cow, so everybody is milking it to death,"
     Buchanan said.

     "This has been my home since 1983, but it's been invaded," he
     added. "They're trying to burn it down."

     It's a far cry from the Usenet of old. The forum, which sprung up
     in the early 1980s, was long fiercely anti-spam. Even as recently
     as three years ago, advertisers who interrupted discussions with
     irrelevant fodder were met with hate-mail, flame mail and often
     were spammed themselves.

     The turning point came in 1994. In an issue that gained wide
     attention, two Arizona lawyers spammed more than 13,000 news groups
     with an ad offering to help people obtain green cards. The lawyers
     were widely criticized, but the floodgates had opened. Spammers are
     still attacked on Usenet, but their practice faces far less mass

     At the same time, some observers believe that the evolution (or
     de-evolution) of Usenet is not all bad. Shabbir Safdar, founder of
     the Voters Telecommunications Watch at the Center for Democracy and
     Technology, said that as Usenet has gotten less attractive, it has
     been replaced by individual Web-based discussion groups that are
     more clearly governed by a discussion host.

     "We're seeing the death of the unmoderated Usenet," Safdar said.
     "We're going to evolve better systems."

     Greg Ryan, president of Exec-PC in Milwaukee, thinks any
     pronouncement of Usenet's demise is far too premature. However,
     Ryan said the problems confronting Usenet, and the Internet
     companies that help to carry the traffic, should not be

     Exec-PC, a regional Internet service provider in Wisconsin, is the
     ninth-largest carrier of Usenet traffic in the world. That means
     that millions of Usenet posts travel through Exec-PC's five news
     servers the computers that store and process news postings each
     day. The spam on Exec-PC's servers has increased 500 percent in the
     last 6 to 12 months, Ryan said.

     "It's amazing. It's a nightmare," he said. "It's money because we
     have to pay for the bandwidth and we need more hard disk space."

     The trouble is, it's not so simple to stop the spam since it
     emanates from thousands of different sources. A handful of
     self-proclaimed anti-spammers are trying, though.

     Appointed by no one (since Usenet is ungoverned), they have taken
     it upon themselves to search out the most egregious spammers. The
     anti-spammers then send out cancel messages, which go into news
     servers, like the one at Exec-PC, and delete the offensive content.

     "Some people don't like what we're doing. They call us a cabal,"
     Buchanan said. "I think we're a citizen's militia. We've taken up
     arms to save" Usenet.

     In the case of CompuServe, the anti-spammers said the Columbus
     Ohio-based online service was a consistent source of massive
     amounts of spam. Over recent weeks, the cadre of anti-spammers said
     they approached CompuServe with their concerns, but got no
     response. "Spammers were going there as a safe haven," Buchanan

     The use of the "death penalty" is particularly harsh because it
     would not only cancel spam coming from CompuServe, but also
     legitimate messages. The anti-spammers have only once before issued
     a "death penalty," to UUNet in August of this year, but it also was
     lifted within days.

     Related Article
     Usenet Servers Under Hacker Attack
     (March 18, 1997)

     Almost immediately after CompuServe got news of the anti-spammers
     move, it acted. On Wednesday, it posted an "acceptable use policy,"
     which dictates rules for using CompuServe to post news messages and
     send e-mail. The policy precludes sending spam, chain letters or
     other inappropriate posts.

     Gail Whitcomb, CompuServe spokeswoman, said the company had not
     been ignoring calls from anti-spammers, but said they "had not
     contacted the right people." Further, she said the change in policy
     at CompuServe was not prompted by the "death penalty," but by the
     company's own two-month long investigation in to the problems

     "We are very aware of the problem and have been looking at
     solutions," Whitcomb said. "We're starting to look at CompuServe
     members that are offenders."

     Whitcomb said CompuServe joins a small group of Internet companies
     that have posted acceptable use policies. In fact, CompuServe is
     only one of a growing number of hundreds, possibly thousands, of
     Internet companies that are seeking to preclude users from sending
     spam, according to the Center for Democracy and Technology.

     Jonah Seiger, the group's communication director, said ISPs should
     not be responsible for the content of member messages, but they
     should try to stop spamming conduct. "It's not a question of
     content," he said. "It's a question of conduct."

    Matt Richtel at [log in to unmask] welcomes your comments and

   Copyright 1997 The New York Times Company