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"Patricia M." <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 04:06:43 -0600
text/plain (38 lines)
>>>I have seen a lot of people post stuff about yogurt is it lactose free?
Also, can you substitute oil for butter in stuff like cookie recopies and
finally does chocolate have milk in it?

The degree you have to worry about that depends on how severe your lactose
intolerance is.  If you don't have a severe problem you may not may be able
to handle some of the stuff like butter or chocolate...obviously if you have
an allergy you can't...since you ask about the yogurt I assume you are LI?
If so you may want to experiment to find out if you can handle the chocolate
and butter before cutting them out of your diet...the lactose content would
be low...

Yogurt is something that most people who are lactose intolerant can use.  It
is my understanding that it contains the lactase the body needs to digest
lactose -- the substance most of us are unable to produce on our own. It's
been a LONG time since I did any reading on the medical reasons behind LI
though so I may be off here a bit...anyone else?  I know that my son and I
can both tolerate yogurt though we can not use most other dairy (fortunately
we can handle butter and I can handle some cheeses).

Oil for butter? If the recipe calls for melted butter you could use oil.
But...if it calls for solid butter or margarine and you are looking for a
substitute -- there are some margarines on the market that do not contain
any dairy. Best to look for those.  It will take some hunting for a trip or
two to your local grocery. Even some generics don't have dairy.  Do check
the fat content though -- it should be the same as regular margarine to make
satisfactory cookies. Most of the low fat ones, or spreads will make the
cookies thinner or runnier.  Sometimes it works anyway though so it is
always worth a try. You can also try substituting shortening or (awful me
for suggesting this next one) lard.  Both are a solid fat and should work
though you'll have a slightly different texture and won't get the buttery

Does chocolate have milk? Some does, some doesn't.....sorry not to be of
more help but the ingredient panel should list it if it does.
