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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
"John C. Pavao" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 15:49:10 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi Mary,

I'm assuming you're talking to me (am I the only John these days?).

Anything I say on this topic would only be my opinion.  I don't want anyone
to get the impression that I'm anything more than a slightly-informed
lay-person in this area.  But I personally think that no one should be
eating grain-based foods unless their intention is to force the evolution
of a human being capable of doing so.  I hope they are very patient, too.
 If the past $10,000 years hasn't done it, the wait could be a long one.

If you do a little research on gluten intolerance or celiac disease, you'll
find that one of the side effects is cancer.  Colo-rectal cancer, I think
(somebody correct me).  I don't know the actual mechanism for this, I think
it has something to do with the constant irritation of the linings,
allergies, and the backfiring of the auto-immune systems such that it
attacks the person's own body.  Anyway... if I extrapolate on my personal
theory (that everyone is gluten intolerant and most just don't know it) it
means that everyone who eats wheat is exposing themselves to some hightened
degree of cancer risk.  So, my answer is a most emphatic NO.  I don't think
anyone should ever eat wheat anymore than they would eat a fruit or
vegetable that is acutely poisonous.

As far as dairy is concerned, I don't have such a black and white opinion.
 Although I lean more toward no simply because it's just not something a
hunter/gatherer would have gotten much of.  I'm not personally aware of any
damage that it can cause.  However, 99% of the dairy products the average
person purchases are in an unnatural state and these could therefore be
detrimental in some way.  There are stories of primitive peoples who
consume raw dairy foods with no apparent problems.  I know there's an
African tribe that drinks a lot of milk, but I can't think of their name
right now.

Take care,
John pavao
Wouldn't you say most people should be off of gluten products? Is there
anyone who "should' be on them? Does it stress everyone's immune system?
What about dairy? Is it good for some people??