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Phyllis Walker <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 22:52:41 -0400
text/plain (34 lines)
Yikes, so sorry that last post got away from me, it wasn't done!  So please forgive
the typos and/or incomplete thoughts and quoting Kent's entire post.  So I'll try
to finish now...

As a former vegetarian, I never missed a chance to tell what I knew about THE way
to eat, I had the fever.  After all I had read all the vegetarian books, all I
needed to know was right there (no need to research further, I was all knowing,
hah!).  Although, I was always concerned that while I knew the way to health, I
really didn't look like I knew it.  I wanted that gaunt veg look, but instead I was
fat and getting fatter.  Funny thing was people  listened to me anyway.  Including
my good friend who just had a radical mastectomy due to breast cancer :( .  Now I
am not saying she listened to me therefore she got cancer.  I am saying that I was
wrong, and I tell anyone who shows interest how and why I was wrong and offer
sources.  Lots of people show interest when they watch me chow down on 4 eggs and 6
slices of bacon in a sitting (ooo, not very feminine are we?).   People listened
and believed my advice while I was a fat sloth but now that I am sleek and ready to
run, I get:  you must have sold your soul to the devil!  Seeing is not believing
for everyone, I guess.

Well, I believe I have run on a bit here, but I was trying to agree:

> If you believe in the
>   > paleo diet, you must realize how misguided that would be.  If someone can
>   > use the publicity about her to promote a healthier diet, then her death
>   > becomes a way to save many lives -
Her death has opened up quite a bit of dialog.  Several people have come to me,
knowing that I have made a radical diet change,  a lot more interested and more
open to listening about the paleo way.  And I think that is a good thing growing
from a very sad thing.
