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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wade Reeser <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Sep 1998 15:48:01 -0400
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (71 lines)
At 02:05 PM 9/3/98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Thu, 3 Sep 1998,
>> On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Wade Reeser wrote:
>> A purely animal flesh diet provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals
>> for a long and healthy life.  Period.
>This is an outlandish statement that does not fit our basic knowledge of
>diet, nutrition, and health.

Are you aware of Steffanson's one year trial of eating nothing but meat?  He
remained in good health the entire year.  Reportedly he ate a mostly meat
diet for the remainder of his life.  When I say 'meat' I am generally
to all animal flesh i.e. muscle and organ.  However, I believe that Steffanson
ate only muscle meat for the year and showed no deficiencies.

Also, Inuit have survived many generations living on nothing but animals.

My statements hardly strike me as 'outlandish.'

> Doubly so when Wade adds that muscle meat
>from domesticated animals is all that we need.  An all muscle-meat diet is
>indeed rich in potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and vits. B1, B2, B6,
>and B12.  But at the same time it is either completely devoid or grossly
>lacking in calcium, selenium, vits. A, C, E, K, and fiber, as well as a
>new class of nutrients that have been identified for opitmal health and
>resistance to disease called "phytochemicals."

Stefanson has successfully prevented and _treated_ scurvy by application
of fresh meat and pemmican.  As scurvy is recognized as a deficiency of
vit C and that meat is said to have no vit C, how can this be so?  How much
do we really know of nutrition?  How does you 'basic knowledge of nutrition'
explain the abundant health of the Inuit when they have none of the advantages
of fiber and phytochemicals?

>Todd also brings up the
>important point of the variable and often questionable quality of modern
>domestic flesh, especially its deficiencies in omega-3 essential fatty

Steffanson did pretty well on a muscle meat diet for a year.  Perhaps
fatty acid deficiencies take longer.  Also, what are we arguing here?  I
that it is the grain/silage fed domestic animals that are deficient in
w-3's and
that pasture/range fed animals have w-3's.

>No version of the caveman diet (from its rather strict definition
>in Neanderthin . . . to its more liberal variants such as The Omega Plan)
>advises against eating a rich variety of plant foods (which, among other
>things, gives us vits. A/C/E/K, fiber, and phytochemicals).

This is not really true.  Both Steffanson in his many books and articles
proposed a heavy meat diet as does the author for "The Stone Age Diet."
In any event, I don't espouse a 'vegetable free' diet but rather say that
a healthy diet is complete with only meat.  I like a little horseradish on
my prime rib and a twig of parsley on the side. ;-)

>Gregg C
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   Wade Reeser    [log in to unmask]