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Sun, 22 Mar 1998 01:18:35 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Many thanks to the 17 people who responded to my message on Leaky Gut
Syndrome & Candida.  I have divided the responses into two groups and posting
them separately as they are lengthy.

"Assuming that the leaky gut syndrome is what makes one allergic to other
foods (or react negatively to them), I have or have had it.  Also candida.
I think we all may have both but some may not know it."

"My daughter is not diagnosed CD but we know she has gluten intolerance.
She does have problems with candida, in the diaper area and in her mouth
(thrush).  I've suspected it may have other effects, such as on her weakened
immune system.  I also have candida problems, which resulted in a special
diet and medi-
cation. But I have no gluten problem."

"My gyn and dermatologists both did cultures.  The only thing that helped
immediately.......was the diet."

"My allergy doctor treats candida and is the one who ordered the saliva test
that diagnosed my celiac problem."

"I had CFS for about 8 years before figuring out it was due to Celiacs
Disease.  I had terrible candida even though I did not have a test.  Took
nystatin, diflucan and 2 anti-yeast tablets.  Had a series of colonics which
proved to be the key to my recovery."

"CD diagnosis came as a result of CH Panel from Diaganos-Tech, done on feces
and saliva over a 7 day period.  I was found to also have moderate candida."

"I have had yeast infections periodically, although I can't say that the
frequency has been greater than the population at large."

"Discovered had CD after I realized I had severe candida problem and went on
strict candida diet for 6 months.  Still have candida problems and must
greatly restrict intake of sweets or I quickly end up with a yeast

"Candida, Gluten and Diet website" -


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